The Longview Independent School District is committed to providing students who have specialized learning needs an educational program that supports each student in reaching his/her full potential. The instruction offered by highly qualified, certified special education teachers and licensed related service personnel is changed in content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the student which result from the student’s disability. The goal of special education is to ensure access of the student to the general curriculum, so that the student may meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the school district that apply to all children.
The Longview Independent School District Special Education Department provides educational services to more than 800 students throughout the school district. Approximately 125 teachers, instructional aides, speech/language pathologists and related services personnel provide instruction and related services at no cost to the parent to eligible students with disabilities. Due to the diversity of student educational needs present among Longview ISD’s students with disabilities, the district offers a comprehensive special education program designed to meet this wide range of unique needs.
If you have comments, suggestions or would like to obtain additional information about the Special Education Department, please contact Special Education Support Staff at:
(903) 381-2276 (Office)
(903) 381-2318 (Fax)
1301 East Young
Longview, TX 75601
Thank you,
Kristal Linton, M.Ed.
Director of Special Programs