A diverse and award-winning public school system, Longview Independent School District is the largest and most comprehensive school district in the area, serving more than 8,400 students and employing about 1,400 staffers. The purpose of this F.Y.I. section is to provide parents, students, staff, and the entire community with immediate access to information and documents that can sometimes be difficult to find.
Student Grades
To log-in to your student's grade book click here: LISD.org/family
Cafeteria Menus
To find out what's for lunch, check your student's meal balance, or contact the Child Nutrition department click here: LongviewISDschoolmenus.com
Required Postings
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
August 04, 2022: Required Annual Notification of Nondiscrimination (Special Populations Monitoring)
August 04, 2022: Preliminary Maximum Compressed Tax Rates (MCR) and Adoption of Tax Rate for Tax Year 2022 (State Funding Division)
August 04, 2022: Clarifications for the Child Find Collection (SPPI-11 and SPPI-12) and the State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13 (Division of Special Education Program, Policy, Engagement, and Reporting)
August 04, 2022: Title I, Part A, Section 1003(c) Funding Waiver Approved (School Improvement)
August 04, 2022: Preliminary 2021-2022 Charter FIRST Ratings (Financial Compliance)
August 04, 2022: Preliminary 2021-2022 FIRST Ratings (Financial Compliance)
2022 Bond Election Results
The Longview ISD Board of Trustees approved the election order for four bond propositions during their Feb. 14 regular meeting.
NOTICE OF ELECTION: English, Spanish
POSTED 12 p.m., MARCH 9, 2022
Unofficial results from Gregg County Elections Office (as of 9 a.m. Monday, May 9, 2022):
- Proposition A: 1,642 against, 803 for.
- Proposition B: 1,645 against, 794 for.
- Proposition C: 1,648 against, 794 for.
- Proposition D: 1,573 against, 854 for.