General Information
All students in grades K-7 will be screened yearly using the Iowa Assessment. This is an achievement test that is intended to assess a child’s understanding of what he/she has learned. Students who receive bilingual services will be given the Logramos test. Virtual administrations will not be allowed for these assessments. All students will take the Iowa/Logramos assessments on their assigned campuses online.
Purpose of the Iowa Assessment
The Iowa will serve three purposes: a yearly diagnostic tool, admission to Hudson PEP, and the first phase in the gifted/talented (G/T) identification process. When Iowa results are received from the publishing company, the district committee will meet to review the data and identify students who meet the specific requirements for admission to Hudson PEP in the coming year.
Iowa Assessment Window
Date | Grades | Students | Subjects |
September 9-13 | Grades 1-3 | New to District | Math & Reading (Grades 1-3) |
November 4-15* | Grades K, 4-7 | LISD | Math & Reading (Grades K, 4-7) Science & Social Studies (Grades 6-7) |
April 7-11 | Grades K-4 | Not Enrolled in LISD | Math & Reading (Grades K-4) |
May 5-9 | Grades K-3, 6-7 | LISD | Math & Reading (Grades K-3) Science & Social Studies (Grades 6-7) |
* This administration of the Iowa assessment will be used for diagnostic purposes and will not be used for Hudson PEP admission.