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Teacher Incentive Allotment

Teacher Incentive Allotment Administrative Guidelines  
(updated 11/01/2023)

The goal of the Teacher Incentive Allotment is to provide a realistic pathway to pay outstanding teachers six-figure salaries.  As such, it will dramatically improve the recruitment and retention of highly effective teachers and keep them in the classroom at our most challenging campuses. Teacher Incentive Allotment compensation will be paid in addition to the current Longview Incentive for Teachers (LIFT) program. 

Teacher Eligibility

Teachers are eligible to earn a designation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employed in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS).
  • Employed and compensated by the district in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-90% of the day.
  • Not currently designated unless being recommended for a higher designation or in the last year of a teacher designation. 
  • Teachers of Kindergarten – Grade 2 Reading and or Math are eligible to earn a designation based on the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth measures as annually determined by SAS-EVAAS utilizing the IOWA/Logramos assessments coupled with the average of TTESS Domains 2 and 3. All dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 must be scored proficient (3) or above. Any dimension score below proficient (3) automatically disqualifies the candidate for designation consideration. 
  • Teachers of Grades 3-EOC STAAR tested subject areas are eligible to earn a designation based on the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth measures as annually determined by SAS-EVAAS coupled with the average of TTESS Domains 2 and 3. All dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 must be scored proficient (3) or above. Any dimension score below proficient (3) automatically disqualifies the candidate for designation consideration. 

Designated teachers are eligible to generate an allotment if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employed and compensated by a Texas school system in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day.
  • Reported by the Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Roster Winter Submission in February.

National Board Certified Teachers are eligible to earn a designation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Hold an active National Board Certification.
  • NBCT directory listing reflects Texas residency and/or employment.
  • Reported by the Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Winter Roster Submission in February.
  • Once earned, the designation will remain active until the July following the expiration of the National Board Certificate.

National Board teachers are eligible to generate an allotment for their district if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employed and compensated by a Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day.
  • Reported by the Texas school system in a (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Roster Winter Submission in February. 

TIA Designations

Designations are Recognized, Exemplary and Master. Once earned, they remain valid for a period of five years. Funding for the Teacher Incentive Allotment varies by designation. The Texas Education Agency annually determines the amount utilizing a formula that takes into account the level of socioeconomic need at the campus and whether or not the campus is rural. Funding for Recognized designations range from $3-9K, Exemplary from $6-18K, and Master from $12-32K.

National Board Certification

National Board Certification is a voluntary advanced professional certification for PreK-12 educators that identifies teaching expertise through performance-based, peer-reviewed assessment. Teachers are certified based on standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) National Board Certification provides teachers an opportunity to hone their practice, demonstrate professional knowledge, and reinforce their dedication to their students and their career. The certification process is designed to collect standards-based evidence of accomplished practice, and on the average takes 1-3 years to complete. To become a Board-certified teacher, eligible candidates must demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and practice in their individual certificate area by completing four components: three portfolio entries and a computer based assessment. Certification is available in 23 certificate areas spanning 16 disciplines from Pre-K through 12th grade.   LISD will sponsor an annual cohort of up to 25 individuals seeking National Board Certification. The district will provide assistance and supports necessary to ensure high rates of completion and success. 

TEA District Approval Process

The Teacher Incentive Allotment is fully funded by the Texas Education Agency. District approval requires a two-step process. The district makes application to the Texas Education Agency. Upon initial application approval by TEA, the district then submits both teacher observation and student performance measures to Texas Tech University. Texas Tech officials examine the submission and verify that the evidence is valid and reliable. Final approval is granted by TEA and designations (Recognized, Exemplary, Master) are placed on teacher certificates. Districts are notified and receive funding for teacher awards.

Longview ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Compensation Plan

Longview ISD will annually award designated teachers up to ninety percent of an individual’s TIA earned allotment in accordance with the current TEA funding formula. TIA awards will be paid in addition to any payments due a designee through the district’s annual compensation plan. Ten percent of the individual’s earned allotment will be utilized for training and support of the system. The superintendent or his/her designee will determine an annual payment distribution schedule in accordance with TEA statutes.  All TIA compensation payments to designees are subject to and governed by TEA statute, guidance and updates.

TIA funding will move with a designated teacher should he/she voluntarily transfer, receive reassignment to another LISD campus or resign from the district and re-employ with another Texas public school.  Annual earned allotments vary by campus profile and are determined by TEA statutes. Funding in each district, for each campus may be viewed at

LISD Growth (EVAAS Value-Added) 

Value-added growth measures are determined statistically by SAS-EVAAS. It is a progress metric that estimates the teacher’s impact on students’ academic performance. In simplest terms, value added is the difference between a students’ baseline performance (prior years’ tests) and his/her observed performance (this years’ tests). To be clear, value-added analysis is not simply the difference between one test and the next. Sophisticated statistical modeling is applied to produce growth metrics that are valid and reliable.


SAS-EVAAS is one of the largest companies in the world. Its software solutions are used at more than 45,000 sites in over 100 countries. EVAAS is the education division of SAS. The SAS-EVAAS team has more than a decade’s experience in building longitudinal student achievement databases and providing reporting that uses mix-model, multivariate longitudinal methodologies. The statistical approach increases the utility of test scores because it dampens the measurement error associated with a single score on a single day for each individual child. The SAS-EVAAS team has developed the most comprehensive reporting package of value-added metrics available in the education market. Not only do they provide valuable diagnostic information about best practices, but they also report students’ predicted success probabilities at numerous academic milestones. The predictions for academic success enable a more equitable distribution of educational resources, one that ensures that all students have the opportunity to make academic growth each year. 

Teacher Incentive Allotment Local Designation Matrix
(updated 10/19/2023)

Beginning with the 2023 data submission, LISD will utilize the below matrix to determine TIA designation recommendations to TEA. Designations are determined utilizing the average of T-TESS domains 2 & 3 coupled with the percent of students meeting or exceeding expected growth measures as determined by SAS-EVAAS in accordance with TEA guidelines. 

Please see the below application examples:

  • Teacher A has a T-TESS domain 2 and 3 average of 3.7 and 55% of his/her students met or exceeded expected growth.
    Designation Recommendation: The intersection of the two values indicates a TIA Recognized designation. 
  • Teacher B has a T-TESS domain 2 and 3 average of 3.9 and 65% of his/her students met or exceeded expected growth.
    Determination Recommendation: The intersection of the two values indicates an Exemplary TIA designation. 
  • Teacher C has a T-TESS domain 2 and 3 average of 4.5 or greater and 70% of his/her students met or exceeded expected growth.
    Designation Recommendation: The intersection of the two values indicates a Master TIA designation.  

Questions regarding the Teacher Incentive Allotment may be directed to Mr. John York at 903-381-2291 or email