LISD collage of students

Teacher FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
Updated (11/01/2023)

Who is eligible to earn a designation?

Teachers are eligible to earn a designation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employed in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS)
  • Employed and compensated by the district in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day.
  • Not currently designated unless being recommended for a higher designation or in the last year of a teacher designation.
  • Teachers of Kindergarten - Grade 2 Reading and or Math are eligible to earn a designation based on the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth measures as annually determined by SAS-EVAAS utilizing the IOWA/Logramos assessments coupled with the average of T-TESS Domains 2 and 3. All dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 must be scored proficient (3) or above. Any dimension score below proficient (3) automatically disqualifies the candidate for designation consideration. 
  • Teachers of Grades 3-EOC STAAR tested subject areas are eligible to earn a designation based on the percentage of students meeting or exceeding growth measures as annually determined by SAS-EVAAS coupled with the average of T-TESS Domains 2 and 3. All dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 must be scored proficient (3) or above. Any dimension score below proficient (3) automatically disqualifies the candidate for designation consideration.
  • Beginning in January 2021 National Board certified teachers who are employed and compensated in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS) will automatically earn a Recognized TIA designation.

What subjects and areas are eligible to earn a designation at Longview ISD?

Teachers of Kindergarten - Grade 2 - Reading and or Math utilizing the IOWA/Logramos assessments.

Teachers of Grades 3 - EOC STAAR tested subjects:

  • Grades 3-4   STAAR RLA/Math
  • Grades 5        STAAR RLA/Math/Science
  • Grade 6-7    STAAR RLA/Math
  • Grade 8          STAAR RLA/Math/Science/Social Studies
  • EOC-              Algebra 1, English I, English II, Biology, U.S. History

National Board Certified Teachers are eligible to earn a designation regardless of teaching assignment if they meet the following criteria:

  • Hold an active National Board Certification
  • NBCT directory listing reflects Texas residency and or employment.
  • Reported by the Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Winter Roster Submission in February.

Once earned, the designation will remain active until the July following the expiration of the National Board Certificate.

How do designated teachers that are eligible generate an allotment?

Designated teachers are eligible to generate an allotment if they meet the following criteria:
Employed and compensated by a Texas school system in a teaching role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day.
Reported by the Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Roster Winter Submission in February.

National Board teachers are eligible to generate an allotment if they meet the following criteria:
Employed and compensated by a Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day.
Reported by the Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) during that year’s Class Roster Winter Submission in February.

What if a designated teacher moves to a non-teaching role, such as an instructional coach, counselor or administrator?

Designated teachers who move to any position that has a role ID other than 087 in PEIMS will maintain their designation but not generate an allotment and thus not receive a TIA bonus check for that year of service. 

Are designations attached to a particular grade or subject level?

Designations are general. The designation will be placed on the teachers SBEC certificate and will not specify a certification area or subject/grade level. A teacher may change teaching assignments and will still generate allotment funding. The same applies to National Board Certified Teachers.

What if a designated teacher’s performance level changes within the five year period? Can their designation level change?

Teacher designations are valid for five years. Within the five year period teachers may be put forth for a higher designation if their performance qualifies them, but they cannot be submitted for a lower designation. 

How may a designated teacher be put forth for a higher TIA designation level?

To move beyond a Recognized TIA designation, National Board teachers must be employed and compensated in an eligible teaching assignment and role (087 role ID in PEIMS) in addition to meeting the district approved performance standards as outlined in the LISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Administrative Guidelines.
Designated teachers must be employed and compensated in an eligible teaching assignment and role (087 role ID in PEIMS) in addition to meeting the district approved performance standards as outlined in the LISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Administrative Guidelines.

What happens after the five-year designation expires?

Recognized and Exemplary level teachers may requalify for a higher designation in their fifth year of performance. Master level teachers may requalify for a designation once their current one expires. If approved in the fall data submission following the current designation expiration date, the new designation will be retroactive to the beginning of the school year earned and there will be no interruption in funding.  However, the new designation level will depend on current performance standards in place. Once a designation expires, it is removed from the SBEC certificate (if applicable) and allotment funding will no longer be generated.

Will the campus socioeconomic tier data be recalculated every year?

Yes. Given that a school’s student enrollment changes yearly, the campus’s socioeconomic tier will be recalculated annually. As a reminder, this calculation uses the home addresses of students who attend a particular campus. Allotment funds for each designated teacher will be based on the campus, and not the individual students assigned to the designated teacher. 

For More Information

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please contact Human Resource Officer Mr. John York via email or call 903-381-2291.