Welcome to the Longview ISD’s safety portal. Our purpose for establishing this page is to help inform you of the safety measures that are in the district. However, this is not an exhaustive list because some information will remain confidential and sharing the information could place our students and staff at risk. This page will also continually be updated as adjustments are made from time to time.
Keeping our students safe is our top priority in Longview ISD. It takes all of us educators, parents, students and the entire community to achieve the safest environment possible for our children.
School safety is our highest priority. We have absolutely zero tolerance for anyone who makes a comment that threatens a student, group of students or school community. When a threat occurs, whether or not it is found credible, we will investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Too often, students think they are being funny when making threatening social media posts. All threats shared on social media will be investigated by the police to determine if the threat is credible. Even if the threat is determined non-credible, the student making the threat will be subject to disciplinary action.
It is also illegal to post or repost an alleged threat on social media, before the information has been reported and investigated. Posting and spreading false rumors about threats causes unnecessary fear, a disruption of the school day, and wastes valuable resources.
Knowingly sharing a (real or fake) threat can also result in the person being arrested and charged with felony offenses, including false report of emergency and intent to terrorize, which include being sent to juvenile hall and a fine up to $10,000.00.
The appropriate response when coming across an alleged threat is to, report it to a school administrator or call 9-1-1, immediately. By properly reporting threats, the protocols in place can be swiftly implemented to quickly determine the credibility of the threat.
But why wasn't I called?
A common concern from families is that they be contacted immediately once the district receives information of a non-imminent threat.
While Longview ISD believes strongly in keeping our families in the know when such events occur, our first responsibility is the safety of the campus, and that means allowing law enforcement to determine the credibility of a threat and take the appropriate action.
Once the investigation has resulted in action (either the arrest of a suspect or the threat is found to be non-credible), Longview ISD will inform the families of the relevant campus.
However, in the event of a valid imminent threat to a campus, the district and Longview Police will immediately notify the community, with detailed instructions as directed by law enforcement. Our hope is that this is an option that we never have to use.
To report suspicious activity or campus safety concerns, please email ask@lisd.org or call 903-381-2200.
Longview ISD is constantly seeking proactive ways to keep the students and staff safe in the many functions, locations and roles that so many individuals perform daily. The District has provided a circle of protection on various levels ranging from controlled access to buildings, visitor management system, safety teams, crisis communication, extensive safety training and conducting safety audits of the entire district to list a few.
When implementing best practices for safety and security, Longview ISD has introduced and trained staff in the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) in the fall of 2017. The SRP is sponsored by the “I Love You Guys” foundation, a Colorado-based firm. The evolution of the Standard Response Protocol as of 2015 has been subjected to tactical scrutiny by hundreds of law enforcement agencies and operational review and adoption by thousands of schools.
The SRP refers to four specific actions in the event of an emergency or crisis. Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter-In-Place are the actions that students and employees are trained to perform during an emergency. A brief description of each action is listed below.
Lockout – This would be implemented when there is a threat or hazard outside of the building. Criminal activity, dangerous events in the community, or even a vicious dog on the playground would be examples of a Lockout response. A Lockout recovers all students and staff from outside of the building, secures the building perimeter and locks all outside doors.
Lockdown – is a classroom-based protocol that requires locking the classroom door, turning off the lights and placing students out of sight of any corridor or windows. Students should remain quiet and place phones on silent during a Lockdown.
Shelter-In-Place – occurs when potential hazards are near. Hazards might include tornado, hazmat or an earthquake.
Evacuate - occurs when students and staff must move to another location. Students will leave all but cell phones behind, form a single-file line, show hands and be prepared for changes. Staff will lead students to the evacuation location and take roll, if possible.
We honestly feel that this system of responding to potential hazards will maximize safety for all and will promote a safe learning and working environment.
Longview ISD prohibits bullying. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of District policy and also is prohibited. Bullying occurs when a student or group of students engage in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the District and that:
- Has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property; or
- Is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
This conduct is considered bullying if it:
- Exploits an imbalance of power between the student perpetrator and the student victim through written or verbal expression or physical conduct; and
- Interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school. Bullying of a student may include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name-calling, rumor spreading, or ostracism.
Parents and students may report bullying by completing the following form and submitting it to your child(ren’s) school administrators.
Student safety is the top priority of the Longview Independent School District, and ensuring a safe and secure learning environment requires joint efforts between students, parents, employees, as well as our public safety partners.
To keep students and parents informed, Longview ISD is sharing the following information about Senate Bill 179 also known as “David’s Law.”
Senate Bill 179, commonly known as “David’s Law”, makes it a Class A misdemeanor and allows a temporary injunction against social media accounts used to electronically harass or cyber-bully someone under age 18 through text message, social media, websites or other means with the intent of causing them to commit suicide or harm themselves.
Student safety both online and offline are District priorities. The consequences that result from the violation of “David’s Law” are serious and includes expanding the District’s scope of involvement when a case of cyber bullying is reported. Longview ISD’s anti-discrimination policy is in the student code of conduct, and it explicitly prohibits cyber-bullying. We urge parents to continue to remind their child to be mindful of their online behavior and how it can affect themselves and others.
Authored by Texas Senators José Menéndez and Judith Zaffirini, the bill requires school districts to include cyber-bullying in their district bullying policies and notify parents if their child has been bullied and to notify the parents of the alleged aggressor within a reasonable amount of time. Schools have the authority to investigate cyber-bullying and to work with law enforcement on such investigations.
If a student believes they are a victim of cyber-bullying they should report this to a teacher, administrator or other school personnel. Each campus will have boxes for students to anonymously report bullying.
Students and parents can also go online to this Safety portal and locate the “Bullying” tab and complete and submit the “Bullying Report Form.”
If you would like to read the actual bill go here: Read Senate Bill 179
In recent times, we have read or heard of fatalities caused by someone not paying attention due to texting and driving. Together we should combine our efforts to educate teens on the possible harmful effects of texting and driving. Here are some reasons: Don’t Text & Drive
- You could easily pull over
- You might wreck
- Safety of other is at stake
- You’re breaking the law.
- Your reaction time is slower
- You run the risk of over-correcting
- It can wait
Transmitting a message isn’t worth receiving a citation, getting in a collision or putting the lives of others and your own at stake. If you’re not convinced, check out the statistics on Don’t Text and Drive. Please put down the smartphones and pay attention when you’re behind the wheel to make the roadway a safer place for drivers.
The District’s electronic visitor management system is the Raptor System designed by Raptor Technologies. Raptor replaces manual paper-based logs, allows schools and facilities to produce customized visitor badges and electronically checks visitors against known sexual offender databases and any locally entered private alerts. The overall goal is to better control access to any Longview ISD school/facility, thus providing enhanced protection for our students, staff and visitors.
Raptor is a visitor registration system that enhances school security by reading the government issued photo IDs of visitors, comparing visitor identity information to a sex offender database, reviewing the same identity for any alerts that the school or District may have applied to a person, notifying school safety personnel if a match is found, and then (assuming no match was made) printing a badge for the visitor to wear while on school grounds.
What is the purpose of the Raptor Visitor Management System?
Raptor helps our schools keep unwanted visitors out while helping them track those that have been allowed in. By quickly alerting safety personnel to certain potential threats, it allows school administrators and law enforcement personnel to take appropriate steps to keep the school, students, staff, and volunteers safe. For valid visitors, the system also prints visitor badges that include a photo, the name of the visitor, and the visitor’s destination. Those badges enable personnel within the building to quickly determine if visitors are in areas where they should or should not be.
Why is the Longview Independent School District using this system?
Safety of our students is our highest priority. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors and volunteers while helping keep away people who present a danger to students and staff members.
In our quest to keep all students and staff as safe as possible, the Longview ISD uses canine services for random searches of prohibited items that may be on campuses. The District uses the services of the Bullock Investigations. The canines will detect alcoholic beverages, firearms and ammunition, prescription and over-the-counter medications.
The campus inspections shall be unannounced and may occur numerous times during the school year. A campus administrator will always accompany the search team during the process. The canines are “passive alert” animals which means that when something is located the dogs will usually sit beside the item in question.
The students will not be in close proximity when the canines as they are performing the search. Again, the safety and security of our students is our number one goal!
- Never give out your name, address, phone number, email, passwords, or school name.
- Do not post or tell strangers where you are going and what time you will be there.
- Never send a picture of yourself to a stranger.
- Do not open emails, files, or web links from people you do not know or trust.
- Always check with an adult before downloading.
- Tell an adult if something makes you feel worried or uncomfortable.
- Tell an adult if someone online asks to meet you in person.
- Do not text with people you do not know personally.
- Do not buy or order anything online without adult supervision.
- When in doubt, it's ok to not respond to a text or email.
Many facilities in the state are moving to clear bag policies during athletic events. These mandates are already in place by higher education athletic facilities and professional sport arenas. We understand this is a big change and will take some getting used to.
Of course, we hope this does not discourage anyone from attending Lobo athletic events, but that Lobo Nation understands we are looking out for everyone's safety. This is a step ahead of a mandate that will soon be required of all high school athletic facilities in the near future.
The Mission of the Longview Independent School District School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is to serve as a liaison between the community and school district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in our health education programs.
If you are interested in serving as part of the LISD School Health Advisory Council please complete this open interest form. You can submit your interest form as only one of three representative options: Campus, Student, or Community.
You can learn more about SHAC by clicking here.
Contact us!
State law does not require schools to post safety and security information on their website due to the confidentiality of emergency plans and procedures. Longview ISD does have an extensive plan that addresses all types of emergency situations and each campus has plans that provide for teacher and student training in all types of emergencies.