Interested in Longview ISD?
We are looking for the best and brightest who value what we believe sets Longview Independent School District apart as a unique and remarkable place to work. At LISD, we offer a competitive professional salary, a generous benefits package and time off.
LISD values continuous learning and growth. We offer development opportunities ranging from individualized feedback and development, mentoring, and coaching for teachers to workshops and advanced degree programs for leaders and non-instructional staff.
LISD is made up of passionate and committed professionals who hold themselves to high expectations and believe without a doubt that every child can learn.
How do I know what jobs are available?
Go to Longview ISD's online application system to view available jobs.
Where do I find information about LISD's pay scale?
Please click here for more information about salary schedules. Longview ISD is one of the highest-paying districts in East Texas, with an aggressive incentive pay plan.
Do you accept paper applications?
No. Our application is exclusively online via our website. But if you have any difficulties using our online system please email your documentation to ask@lisd.org and we'll follow-up with you.
We are seeking multiple candidates for multiple positions within the district. Individuals seeking a teaching position will have to apply to the pool positions for consideration. We do not post a separate job posting for every vacancy due to the large number of vacancies that can occur in various positions such as bus drivers, child nutrition workers, child care providers, instructional aides, etc. You may only see campus specific teaching positions for hard to fill certification areas.
Some positions are open until filled or closed, but there are other positions that remain open on a longer basis. The length of job postings can vary from position to position and department to department.
How do I check the status of my application?
You will receive an electronic confirmation that your application has been received through the application system. If you have any questions about your application please email us here or call 903-381-2200.
Will my references be contacted?
All references listed by the applicant will be contacted upon completion of the application. Please note: LISD supervisors will contact each applicant’s most current and former supervisors for reference information. It is important for applications to be complete, current, and accurate if individuals are going to be considered for employment.
What kind of documents will I have to attach to the application?
It depends on the position you are applying for. All professional positions will require an updated resume and cover letter. Individuals seeking a teaching position MUST submit the most recent classroom evaluation (as applicable). Student teachers should upload a recommendation from a cooperating teacher or university supervisor. Student teacher evaluations can also be uploaded, if available.
I have applied, why have I not heard from anyone?
Not all applicants will be considered for an interview. Not all interviewed will be hired.
What is the hiring process for LISD?
All candidates have to apply online for positions they are seeking. Depending on the position, applicants may get called or sent an e-mail request via the application system for a pre-screening interview with Human Resources. Hiring Supervisors and Campus Principals review applications, conduct interviews, and call references to the applicants current and former supervisors. Hiring managers then submit their final candidate to Human Resources for review and approval. Only staff from Human Resources can job offer a position to a prospective candidate for employment.
The application system will send you an automated e-mail response when the position has been filled. Additionally, your application for that particular job posting may be deactivated. The system will send you an automated e-mail response when that happens.
Consider applying as an instructional substitute in our school district. This is the best way to receive competitive pay and get seen by campus administrative and instructional staff. Individuals can obtain daily substitute jobs at all levels and gain first hand experience working in our schools that can be additionally listed on a resume. We respect and value our substitutes and LISD administrators take notice of dedicated substitutes. We have had many individuals who served as instructional substitutes or instructional aides transition into teaching positions within the district after they acquired their degrees and teaching certification. Click here for more information about substituting in LISD.
Shalona McCray
Assistant Superintendent
John York
Human Resources Officer
Odalys Olivas
Staffing Specialist
Mae Johnson
Records & Auxiliary Support Specialist
Laura Suggs
Human Resources Manager
Misty Thacker
Onboarding/Processing Specialist
LaShundra Rodgers
Talent Acquisition Coordinator
Human Resources Department
1301 East Young Street
Longview, TX 75602