Welcome to Longview ISD Enrollment!
This section covers everything you need to know about new student enrollment and returning student registration for the current school year, including detailed instructions for using both our Choose LISD as well as our Skyward Qmlativ family access system.
To quickly find the information you need, please use the quick navigation links below to jump to the relevant sections of LISD Enrollment.
Choose LISD > New Students > Returning Students > Qmlativ How-To
"Hey, what's this Qmlativ thing?"
Skyward Qmlativ is the latest version of Skyward SMS, an information system Longview ISD uses for data management of student and staff information, grades, scheduling, attendance, and food service.
Got Questions?
Please contact the Longview ISD Welcome Center at 903-381-2296 with questions or to request assistance with the application process.
State law requires that students reach the stated age on or before September 1 of the current school year to enroll in the following grades:
- Pre-kindergarten–4 years
- Kindergarten–5 years
- First Grade–6 years
Students must also have an official copy of the birth certificate or other appropriate documentation. Information about enrollment is available at any campus, the district offices, or on the district’s website.
Current Proof of Residency (Any one of the following may be used to establish residency.)
- Utility bill (within 30 days of current date)
- Signature on a lease, mortgage, etc.
- Property tax records (Residential Property Only – Not a lot or business)
- A testimonial letter from an LISD employee attesting to personal knowledge of the residency.
- SRQ form indicating McKinney Vento Eligible (MVE) (Homeless)
Parent or Guardian Picture ID
Student’s Social Security Card (new students only)
Other Documents
- Power of Attorney
- Separate and Apart
- Dual Residence
- Foster Care
Home Language Survey (19 TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter BB, §89.1215)
To be completed by parent or guardian for students enrolling in Prekindergarten* through grade 8 (or by students in grades 9-12) *Prekindergarten includes any student enrolling in a 3- or 4- year-old school program.
The state of Texas requires that the Home Language Survey be completed for each student who enrolls in a Texas public school for the first time. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide the language information listed on Home Language Survey.
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP or TD): Upon entry into kindergarten, students are required to have five doses of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis containing vaccine in any combination unless the fourth dose was received on or after the fourth birthday, in which case only four doses are required. Students who started vaccinations after age seven must have three doses of TD. One dose of tetanus-diphtheria containing vaccine is required within the last 10 years.
Poliomyelitis: Upon entry into kindergarten, students are required to have four doses of polio vaccine, one of which must have been received on or after the fourth birthday. Or, if the third dose was given on or after the fourth birthday, only three doses are required. If any combination of four doses of OPV and IPV was received before four years of age, no additional dose is required.
Rubeola (Red Measles): Upon entry into kindergarten two doses of measles-containing vaccine are required. The first dose shall be administered on or after the first birthday.
Rubella (German Measles): One dose on or after the first birthday is required.
Mumps: One dose on or after the first birthday is required.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B: Children 15 months of age through four years of age must have one dose of HibCV, unless a primary series and booster have been completed.
Hepatitis B: Three doses of hepatitis B vaccine are required for the following grades for the following school years:
- 2004-2005 for kindergarten through fifth grade and seventh through tenth grade;
- 2005-2006 for kindergarten through eleventh grade;
- thereafter, beginning in the school year 2006-2007, for all students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Varicella (Chicken Pox): Proof of previous varicella disease or one dose of varicella vaccine received on or after the first birthday is required for the following grades for the following school years:
- 2004-2005 for kindergarten through fourth grade and seventh through tenth grade;
- 2005-2006 for kindergarten through fifth grade and seventh through eleventh grade;
- thereafter, beginning in the school year 2006-2007, all students in grades kindergarten
through twelfth grade shall have one dose. Two doses are required if the child was thirteen years old or older at the time the first dose of varicella vaccine was received.
*Students entering the early childhood and pre-kindergarten programs must have age-appropriate vaccination in accordance with the Texas Department of Health Immunization Schedule.