Longview ISD is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families, and community members can we make the changes we need to reach every student.
To contact us, select the topic you’d like to discuss below and then submit your message.
Campus Directory
You can also contact your student's campus directly by calling the following numbers.
Montessori Academy 903-803-5000
Bailey Elementary 903-803-5200
Bramlette Elementary 903-803-5600
Everhart Elementary 903-803-5400
Hudson PEP Elementary 903-803-5100
Johnston-McQueen 903-803-5300
Ware Elementary 903-803-5700
Williams Elementary 903-803-5500
Forest Park Middle 903-466-2510
Foster Middle 903-446-2710
Judson Middle 903-446-2610
Longview High 903-663-1301
Early Grad High 903-381-3921
Lobo Athletics 903-381-3950
Administration 903-381-2200