LISD collage of students

Discipline Information

The Student Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Longview Independent School District Board of Trustees and provides information to parents and students regarding standards of conduct, consequences of misconduct, and procedures for administering discipline.

The LISD Student Code of Conduct defines misconduct that may—or must—result in a range of specific disciplinary consequences, including removal from a regular classroom or campus, out-of-school suspension, placement in a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP), or expulsion from school.

Minor consequences are assigned in accordance with the campus discipline plan. 

School rules and the authority of the district to administer discipline apply whenever the interest of the district is involved, on or off school grounds, in conjunction with or independent of classes and school-sponsored activities.

Specifically, the district has disciplinary authority over a student:

  • During the regular school day and while the student is going to and from school on district transportation;

  • While the student is in attendance at any school-related activity, regardless of time or location;

  • For any school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location; and

  • For certain felony conduct, regardless of time or location..

Additionally, the district has the right:

  • To search a vehicle driven to school by a student and parked on school property whenever there is reasonable cause to believe it contains articles or materials prohibited by the district;

  • To search a student’s locker or desk when there is reasonable cause to believe it contains articles or materials prohibited by the district; and

  • To revoke or deny the application of a nonresident, intradistrict, or magnet transfer student for violating the district’s Code of Conduct.

Each student is expected to adhere to the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct and the campus discipline plan. 

Below are Longview ISD's Progressive Discipline Plans for the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  Each plan includes a summary which explains the District's guiding principles and goals as well as our implementation plan.