LISD collage of students

Foster Care

A youth is placed in foster care when Child Protective Services takes over legal control of the child via a court proceeding. This is typically because the child cannot live safely at home and no appropriate non-custodial parent, relative, or family friend is willing or able to care for the child. Foster care is also known as ‘conservatorship’ or ‘substitute care’ and is intended to be a temporary situation for a child until a permanent living arrangement can be obtained.

Over 25,000 children are in the legal conservatorship of the State of Texas, with a majority of these children being school aged. These students face unique challenges including moving from home to home, attending many different schools resulting in the loss of course credit, disruptions in learning and special education services, repeating courses, being placed in an inappropriate class or grade level, and being unable to participate in extra-curricular activities. Many of these students have faced trauma that can affect his or her learning, behavior, and socialization. However, youth in foster care are incredibly resilient and adaptable and, with the help of our community, Longview ISD is committed to helping our students overcome the obstacles they face.

This page is intended to:

  • Serve as a resource for school staff, parents/guardians, and community members involved in the lives of students in foster care as well as the students themselves.
  • Raise awareness of the challenges facing foster care students.
  • Describe the programs and opportunities available to foster care students.
  • Describe the laws and district policies that apply to students in foster care.

There is an abundance of resources available to support foster care students as they pursue an education. For additional information please visit the TEA website or contact Dolly Soulé at (903) 381-2296, 1301 E. Young Street.