LISD collage of students

Public Charter Schools

Program History

In 2019 Longview Independent School District received the green light from the TEA to turn six campuses into a district-within-a-district public school charters. Those campuses, operated by the nonprofit East Texas Advanced Academies are: East Texas Montessori Prep AcademyWare East Texas Montessori AcademyJohnston-McQueen Elementary SchoolBramlette STEAM AcademyJ.L. Everhart Elementary School, and Forest Park Magnet School.

If you would like to see the current Performance Agreement between LISD and ETAA you may download the document.


ETAA manages the East Texas Montessori Prep Academy, as well as the Bramlette, Everhart, Johnston-McQueen, Ware, and Forest Park campuses.

Local board members for ETAA include Mr. Judson Murray, Rev. LaDarian Brown, and Dr. Selwyn Willis, with Dr. Brian Ziemer as Chief Executive Officer and Ms. Melanie Pondant as ETAA Chief of Schools. 


TCIS manages the Bailey, Hudson PEP, Ned E. Williams, Foster, Judson, and Longview High School campuses.

Local board members for TCIS include Ms. Karen PhillipsMr. Walter SorensonMr. Dolph BriscoeMr. Bill Thomas, and Ms. Margaret Davis, with TCIS Chief of Schools Ms. Melanie Hamilton serving as district liaison for the board. 


LEAP manages the Longview Early Graduation High School and Longview ISD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) program.

Board members for LEAP:

  • Mr. Wayne Mansfield, LEDCO President
  • Mr. Tim Smith, LEDCO Director
  • Mr. Shawn Hara, City of Longview
  • Mr. Keith Bonds, City of Longview (retired)

Leadership Team: 

  • Mr. Gary Krueger, LEAP Chief Executive Officer
  • Mr. John Gross, District CATE Director
  • Ms. Kimberly Dolese, Early Grad H.S. Principal

About the program

The partnerships are governed by a 2017 state law called Senate Bill 1882 that provides extra funding to traditional public school districts that contract with outside entities such as charter networks, non-profits, and universities to run their schools as an in-district charter. 

In accordance with TEA policy, by having LISD be the authorizer of charter campuses, the district maintains the authority to set the ground rules the partners have to follow.

The approval came after the passage of Senate Bill 1882. The legislation creates an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to operate public school campuses. LISD leadership believes SB 1882 helps cultivate innovative educational programs and opportunities for additional resources to teachers, as well as professional enrichment. 

In 2020 the LISD Board of Trustees agreed to enter a charter partnership with two non-profit organizations, the Texas Council for International Studies (TCIS), and Longview Educates and Prospers (LEAP).

You can find more documentation here: