Regular Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Summer Hours
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Wednesday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(Closed on Friday)
NOTE: All campuses and district offices are closed the week of the Fourth of July.
At Longview ISD, the safety of our students, staff, and families is always our highest priority. We understand that in today's world, concerns about campus safety are at the forefront of everyone's mind. That's why we work diligently with local authorities to ensure any potential threats are addressed swiftly and seriously.
In addition, we want to keep our community informed on how best to handle safety concerns, particularly when they arise in the digital space.
Understanding & Addressing Social Media Threats
Recently, we’ve seen an increase in social media posts—particularly screenshots of alleged threats—that have alarmed members of our community. Many of these posts are either spurious or relate to incidents in other parts of the country, but when shared locally, they create confusion and panic. While it’s understandable to be concerned, it’s crucial to approach these situations thoughtfully.
If you encounter what appears to be a threat, please report it directly to law enforcement, rather than sharing it on social media. Circulating unverified information can escalate fear, disrupt the school day, and drain valuable resources. When posts are not connected to our district, sharing them can lead to misunderstandings that harm our community’s sense of safety.
To ensure any potential threat is handled properly, call 9-1-1 so law enforcement can investigate the matter. Our established safety protocols are designed to respond quickly and accurately to determine the credibility of any threat.
But why wasn't I called?
We know that families, students, and staff want immediate updates when safety concerns arise. While Longview ISD values transparency, our first priority must always be campus safety. This means allowing law enforcement to fully assess the situation before we communicate further details.
Once an investigation is completed—whether the threat is found to be credible or not—Longview ISD will notify the relevant campus community. If an immediate danger is confirmed, we will issue an urgent alert in coordination with law enforcement, providing clear instructions to keep everyone safe.
For any other questions or concerns about campus safety, or to report suspicious activity, please email ask@lisd.org or call 903-381-2200.
Please keep in mind that Longview ISD will not send out or post notifications to confirm school is in session. Parents, employees, and students should assume a normal school day unless otherwise notified.
Winter Weather Alerts
Longview ISD monitors the National Weather Service and local meteorologist forecasts before making decisions to close or delay school. Officials attempt to provide details about school closings to staff, students and parents by no later than 6 a.m.
Factors considered before making a weather-related decision about school include:
- the ability for staff who live outside the district to get to work.
- whether or not HVAC systems are operating correctly;
- whether or not other nearby public entities are open;
- the visible presence of snow, ice and sleet;
- poor sidewalk and parking lot conditions;
- road conditions, temperatures; and
- teen driver safety.
Severe Weather Procedures During School
District officials and campuses regularly monitor storms in the area, the National Weather Service, and local TV and radio stations for any potential alerts or risks. Longview ISD officials receive regular updates and alerts from federal, state, and local authorities.
In the event severe weather is approaching during the school day, the district will account for students and staff in secure locations and then communicate updates to parents. The district requests parents to not come to school buildings in the middle of a storm to pick up their children. Please let school officials effectively respond during a weather emergency and follow district communication outlets for updates and announcements.
Longview ISD will send alerts and updates via multiple communications tools. We will post updates through our various social media presences. Parent email phone notifications will be sent by the district's mass notification system. Notifications will also be posted to the district website to help keep parents, students and staff informed of all weather-related alerts.
Open Records Request Form
Open Records Requests Procedures
Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, also known as the Public Information Act (PIA), gives the public the right to request access to certain government records, including records that pertain to the operation of Longview ISD. Requests are processed in the order they are received and may take up to ten working days to process. A request for information must be submitted in writing. A request form and additional information relating to the PIA is provided below:
- Public Information Act Request Form
- Texas Attorney General Public Information Act Handbook
- Attorney General Information Regarding the Public Information Act
- Attorney General Information regarding Requesting Public Information
If the request is unclear, the District may ask the requestor to clarify the request. Additionally, if a large amount of information has been requested, the District may discuss with the requestor how the scope of the request may be narrowed, but the District may not inquire into the purpose for which information will be used.
Note: although the PIA makes most government information available to the public, some exceptions exist. The District may, within 10 business days of the request, refer the matter to the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether an exception to release applies. If the information is public and no exceptions apply, the District will generally release the information within 10 business days as required by the PIA. However, if the District cannot produce the public information for inspection or duplication within 10 business days, the District will notify the requestor and set a date and hour within a reasonable time when the information will be available for inspection or duplication.
For additional information relating to the District’s processing of public information requests, please see Board Policies GBAA (LEGAL) and (LOCAL).
UPDATE (Sept. 9, 2023): The Longview ISD Board of Trustees have unanimously passed a resolution designating 10 additional non-business days for complying with public information requests during the 2023-24 academic year.
The measure aims to account for school calendar days when district offices are closed or have limited staffing, beyond weekends and holidays defined in state law. New legislation allows districts to identify up to 10 such "non-business days" annually for purposes of Public Information Act deadlines.
Longview ISD's resolution designates national holidays, state holidays, days set aside before and after holidays, one optional holiday and other board-approved days as non-business days. These include Dec. 29, 2023 as well as three days in July 2024 when offices will have limited summer staffing.
For more information read Texas House Bill No. 3033 here.
How to Make a Public Information Request
Your request must be in writing, and we request that you include your complete contact information, especially an e-mail address if you have one.
Important tips to consider:
- The request does not require the District to create new information, answer questions, or perform legal research. Additionally the District is not required to comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.
- To expedite our response to your request, you may agree to the redaction of information confidential under mandatory and/or discretionary exceptions under the Public Information Act.
- Describe the documents, records, or data you are seeking. Note: We ask that your request be specific and include date ranges, if possible.
- Your request should be for documents, records, or other data that is already in existence.
- Requests are processed in the order received and may take up to ten working days to process.
How to Submit a PIA Request
Please direct your request(s) to Mr. Francisco Rojas, LISD Public Information Officer, by any of the following methods:
Postal Delivery
P.O. Box 3268
Longview, TX 75606
E-mail: ask@lisd.org
Fax: 903-381-2309
attn: Mr. Francisco Rojas
Longview ISD Education Support Center
1301 E. Young St.
Longview, TX 75602
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 903-381-2200.
Student Identifying Information
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the District is required to withhold from public disclosure personally identifiable information in education records. Prior to the releasing of public information, the District will remove all personally identifiable information, as required by law.
Are There Charges for Requesting Records?
Longview ISD uses the rates established by the Texas Attorney General to determine charges for copies of public records, as outlined below.
If the cost of the request is expected to exceed $40, LISD will send a cost estimate to the requestor. The cost estimate will include an itemized statement of any copying, personnel, mailing or other charges that will be incurred in fulfilling the request. The District will process the request in accordance with the requestor’s response to the cost estimate, as required by law. Where estimated costs exceed $100, the requestor will be required to make a deposit/bond before any records are compiled.
Credit card payments are not accepted. Please pay by cash or by check made out to "Longview ISD" or "Longview Independent School District."
For additional information on cost rules, you may visit the Attorney General’s website.
Labor Charges
Personnel time for locating, compiling, manipulating data, and reproducing records | $15.00/hour |
Computer Programming | $28.50/hour |
Overhead | 20% of the personnel or programming charge |
Common Charges
Paper copies (single-sided, black & white, standard size 8.5x11) | $0.10/page |
Oversize paper (not including maps and photographs) | $0.50/page |
Compact Disk (CD) | $1.00 each |
DVD | $3.00 each |
Media Coverage Procedures
All media requests/inquiries should be directed to the district's communications staff at 903-381-2235 or via email. Members of the media are not allowed on campus without first going through district communications staff for approval. Campuses must receive notice from the district's communications staff before members of the media/reporters are allowed on campus.
Media Relations Policies & Procedures
Longview ISD supports the rights of citizens to have access to information that affects school programs and services for students. The district strives to maintain a positive relationship with all news media outlets and other communications representatives. Our goal is to ensure the dissemination of timely, accurate and newsworthy information to the community through the news media. All district staff and administrators shall endeavor to create a positive, courteous relationship with members of the news media and maintain open communications on matters of a routine nature while also keeping the welfare of students as the guiding principle in all contacts with the news media.
The district's communications and community relations staff coordinates news coverage of the school district and is responsible for overseeing official communications between the school system and news media. All news conferences and public events of a district-wide nature, in which news coverage/promoting is requested, must be coordinated by or through communications staffers.
Media Access to District Schools & Facilities
Longview ISD welcomes members of the media into our schools and strives to provide the most accurate and timely information available. LISD's communications staff should be the first point of contact for all media inquiries for our district. News media will not be allowed on any district property without prior consent from district communications.
Interviewing & Photographing Students
Longview ISD operates in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This law allows students and parents to opt out of the release of certain information about students, including photographs. Each school is responsible for maintaining a database to determine who cannot be photographed and interviewed according to FERPA guidelines via the district’s Opt Out form. Parent permission must be confirmed prior to taking photos, video and quotes from Longview ISD students.
Press Releases, Media Alerts & News Conferences
The Longview ISD Communications and Community Relations departments are responsible for coordinating all news coverage of the school district. The department oversees official communications between the school system and news media by initiating story ideas, including press releases and media advisories, as well as facilitating requests for news coverage from media representatives and district personnel. District's communications staff also provides assistance to school administrators regarding effective relations with the news media. All news conferences and public events of a district-wide nature in which news coverage is requested must be coordinated by or through Community Relations. District personnel should submit story ideas via e-mail to ASK@lisd.org
The Longview ISD Communications and Community Relations departments are ready and willing to assist our students, staff, and local stakeholders with all their various communications and community outreach needs!
To initiate a request, please email a description of your project to district communications staff at ASK@lisd.org. A communications team member will contact you to discuss the project further.
To determine when you need to submit requests, please see the timeline below:
- Graphic Design: Minimum Five (5) Business Days (or longer depending upon complexity of design)
- Video Production: Minimum Ten (10) Business Days (or longer depending upon complexity of project)
- Districtwide Communication: Minimum Three (3) Business Days’ Notice
- Day of Event Coverage: Minimum Seven (7) Business Days’ Notice
- Flyer Distribution: Minimum Five (5) Business Days’ Notice
Share Your Story!
Do you have a cool story to share from your campus or department? Email us!
What makes a good story?
- Students or staff who go above and beyond
- Community partnerships & guest speakers
- Unique classroom projects or curriculum
- Overcoming obstacles or hardships
- Acts of kindness or leadership
- Student or staff achievements
- Upcoming events
- Anything that gets you excited!