Longview ISD's social media channels are provided for the district community by LISD Community Relations. The district is committed to sharing information through the use of various media. We will update our pages as often as possible with the latest news from our campuses and the district.
The creation of unofficial social media pages that use Longview ISD, its logo, likeness, or any campus in the district should not be created. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Podcast, Tik Tok, YouTube, Snapchat, NextDoor, Reddit, and any other social media account.
All postings of comments on LISD social media pages are at the discretion of the page administrators. The intent of this policy is not to keep any negative or critical information from being posted, but to protect the privacy and rights of Longview ISD students and staff. Naming specific employees or students in a negative way will not be allowed. The page administrators will review all postings to make sure they align with these guidelines and district policy regarding Internet access and postings.
We welcome your thoughts and comments and look forward to what you have to say. However, we will not leave postings that:
- Break the law or encourage others to do so. This includes respecting copyright and fair use laws. If you are talking about someone else’s work, reference this or the person and where possible include a link;
- Are completely unrelated to Longview ISD or random in nature. Postings on the district’s comments section should pertain to the stated discussion topic and adhere to the guidelines of this policy;
- Contain abusive or inappropriate language or statements. This includes remarks that are racist, homophobic, or sexist, as well as those that contain obscenities or are sexually explicit;
- Do not show proper consideration for the privacy of others or are considered likely to offend or provoke others in a negative manner;
- Are "spam" (e.g. repeatedly posting the same comment or comments that are simply advertising/promoting a service or product);
- Easily identify students or staff in defamatory, abusive, or generally negative terms or violate privacy laws; and
- Contain links to inappropriate content, based on district policy regarding Internet access.
"I tagged you on social media, why did you remove my tag?"
For the safety and security of our students, staff, and entire Longview ISD community, we accept social media tags only from verified and authorized accounts. This policy helps prevent the spread of false, inaccurate, or otherwise harmful information. Tags from anonymous or unverified accounts, as well as accounts or groups we cannot confirm, will not be accepted.
We reserve the right to remove any unauthorized tags to maintain a safe, secure, and trustworthy digital environment for our district.