Governor Greg Abbott
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711-2428
(512) 463-2000
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
P. O. Box 12068
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711
(512) 463-0001
State Senator Bryan Hughes
P. O. Box 12068
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711
(512) 463-0101
Gregg County Courthouse
Suite 301
Longview, TX 75601
(903) 753-8137
State Representative Jay Dean
P. O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768-2910
(512) 463-0750
District 7 Office
1705 Judson Road, Suite D2
Longview, TX 75601
(903) 238-9100
Mayor Andy Mack
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilman Ed Moore (District 1)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilwoman Nona Snoddy (District 2)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilwoman Kasha Williams (District 3)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilwoman Kristen Ishihara (District 4)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilman David Wright (District 5)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Councilman Steve Pirtle (District 6)
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
(903) 237-1021
Judge Bill Stoudt
Gregg County Courthouse
101 E. Methvin, Suite 300
Longview, TX 75601
Phone: (903) 236-8420 Fax: (903) 237-2699
Email: Diane.Pearson@co.gregg.tx.us
Pct. 1 Commissioner Ronnie L. McKinney
1179 FM 449
Longview, TX 75605
Phone: (903) 663-0400 Fax: (903) 663-2475
Email: Patti.Harrison@co.gregg.tx.us
Pct. 2 Commissioner Darryl Primo
Greggton Community Building
3211-C W. Marshall
Longview, TX 75604
Phone: (903) 759-3611 Fax: (903) 759-6707
Email: Pam.Cook@co.gregg.tx.us
Pct. 3 Commissioner Gary Boyd
6174 FM 2206
Longview, TX 75604
Phone: (903) 759-8962 Fax: (903) 297-9140
Email: Pat.Points@co.gregg.tx.us
Pct. 4 Commissioner John Mathis
710 W. South Martin Luther King Boulevard
P.O. Box 1898
Kilgore, TX 75663
Phone: (903) 981-1117 Fax: (903) 981-1119
Email: John.Mathis@co.gregg.tx.us