The Longview Independent School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved a lower property tax rate and new district budget for the 2023-24 year during a special meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 5th.
Dr. Wayne Guidry, LISD Assistant Superintendent of Finance, said the district is projecting a balanced General Operating budget of $101,591,292, a Debt Service of $33,481,677, and a Food Service Budget of $6,807,501. This total brings the official budget to $141,880,470.
"The budget includes salary increases for employees and addresses rising inflation," he said.
The maintenance and operations tax rate is $0.6692 and the interest and sinking tax rate is $0.4730 cents for a total tax rate of $1.1422 per $100 valuation. This is a marked decrease from the 2022-23 tax rate, which was $1.3276 per $100 valuation.
It also marks the fifth-straight year of the property tax rate being reduced for Longview ISD property owners.
Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox said the district has been cutting the tax rate in recent years, after keeping the same rate stable for nearly a decade.
"The board maintained the same tax rate of $1.5130 from 2010 until 2019 — when the district reduced the rate to $1.4430 — and we've continued to reduce it each year since," he said. "This illustrates how Longview ISD has worked to offset the sharp increase in property tax valuations that are well beyond our control."
While the district has reduced the LISD property tax rate for the last five years, the amount of property taxes collected may increase due to a rise in the value of the property, which is determined by the county appraisal district.
Please click here to download the 2023-24 budget and tax rate:
Longview ISD's tax rate dropped over 37 cents in the past five years, now at $1.1422. Compared to nearby districts, LISD maintains a low 2.3 percent debt-to-assessed value ratio, one of the lowest in our area.
For questions about the budget or tax rate, please contact the district at ask@lisd.org or call 903-381-2200.
Exemption for armed security mandate
Trustees unanimously approved a resolution declaring a good cause exception to the House Bill 3 requirement that each campus have an armed security officer present during school hours.
Citing a shortage of qualified personnel, Dr. Craig Coleman, LISD Chief Innovation Officer, explained that Longview ISD is like many districts throughout the state that currently "lacks sufficient staff to guarantee an armed officer's presence on every campus daily."
"The board determined this shortage constitutes good cause for a House Bill 3 exception," he said. "The district will now develop an alternative security plan using available resources."
Dr. Coleman said the resolution specifically declares the district cannot meet the armed officer requirement due to a lack of qualified personnel, as confirmed by local law enforcement.
"State law requires the district outline an alternative security standard in response," he added.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
TPIA Non-Business Days
Board members also passed a resolution designating 10 non-business days for the 2023-24 school year to calculate deadlines under the Texas Public Information Act. The designated days include holidays, school breaks when offices are closed, and early July when offices are minimally staffed.
Dr. Craig Coleman, LISD Chief Innovation Officer, said the measure aims to facilitate compliance with the Public Information Act while allowing staff to observe closures and holidays per the board-approved calendar.
"Identifying likely staff absences in advance provides clarity on days where the 10-day response deadline may be impacted," he said.
The resolution was passed to comply with House Bill 3033, which requires school districts to formally designate at least 10 non-business days annually for calculating Public Information Act deadlines.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
New water fountains for campuses
Later, the board unanimously approved the purchase of new water fountain systems valued at over $50,000 to replace outdated or potentially unsafe fountains in multiple district schools.
Dr. Wayne Guidry, LISD Assistant Superintendent of Finance, said some existing fountains are outdated or potentially unsafe.
"New systems will help ensure students and staff have access to clean, safe drinking water during the school day," he said.
Dr. Guidry added that the purchase is part of ongoing efforts to update aging infrastructure throughout the district.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
For more info
Trustees usually meet in the boardroom of the LISD Education Support Center (1301 E. Young Street), but often set special-called meetings at various locations around the district. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Sept. 18, 2023.
For more information about the Longview ISD Board of Trustees please click here.