Biliteracy for a Global Society: An Idea Book on Dual Lanuage Education
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs
Directory of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Programs in the U.S.
Center For Applied Linguistics
Dr. Cummins' ESL and Second Language Learning Web
Jim Cummins' Second Language Learning and Literacy Development Web
Language Roadmap for the 21st Century: Texas
The University of Texas at Austin
Seven hundred reasons for studying language By: Angela Gallagher-Brett
The Higher Education Academy
Texas Dual Language Program Cost Analysis
Thomas and Collier Selected Research Sources
Resources and Trainings
TEKS Resource System - The Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC) is a shared service agreement between the 20 Educational Service Centers. This shared service agreement allows participating ESCs to share responsibility for the management and operations of the online curriculum management system known as the TEKS Resource System.
The TEKS Resource System is a customizable, online curriculum management system. The content includes curriculum and assessment components aligned to the most current versions of the State Board of Education adopted TEKS for the following subject areas:
- English Language Arts and Reading (K-12)
- Mathematics (K-12)
- Science (K-12)
- Social Studies (K-12)
- Spanish Language Arts and Reading (K-5)
The TEKS Resource System provides a common language, structure, and process for curriculum development. It is designed to accompany district-approved instructional materials and is customizable to meet the needs of individual students.
Navigating the ELPS: Using the New Standards to Improve Instruction for English Learners, John Sidlitz- the ELPS are to be integrated into each subject of the required curriculum. This training provides teachers, administrators, and specialists an easy process for moving ahead with implementing the standards. The book explains what kind of instruction is required for English language learners, an outline of district responsibilities, cross curricular student expectations, and language proficiency level descriptors http://encompasseventplanners.com/2008/District_Trainings_Flyer.pdf
Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners: The SIOP Model - the SIOP Model allows educators to plan and implement high-quality sheltered lessons for English language learners that integrate English language and academic content instruction. http://www.cal.org/resources/pubs/makecontent.html
Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) - is an instructional model for second and foreign language learners based on cognitive theory and research. CALLA integrates instruction in priority topics from the content curriculum, development of the language skills needed for learning in school, and explicit instruction in using learning strategies for academic tasks. The goals of CALLA are for students to learn essential academic content and language and to become independent and self-regulated learners through their increasing command over a variety of strategies for learning in school.
99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, MaryEllen Vogt, Jana Echevarria- the 99 ideas and activities in this book include a few familiar techniques that have been shown to be especially effective for ELLs, as well as many new ideas to SIOP teachers. All promote student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction and involvement, so necessary for English language acquisition and content development. http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/academic/product/0,3110,0205521061,00.html
Building Academic Vocabulary, Robert Marzano & Debra Pickering- a comprehensive six-step approach to teaching academic vocabulary so students develop a deep understanding of the terms.