Bilingual Education Programs
The Longview ISD Bilingual Program will follow the features for all bilingual programs as written by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) based on state mandates and State Board of Education rule:
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
ESL and sheltered instruction must occur daily. English instruction gradually increases as the students’ proficiency in English develops;
Initial concept development for all ELL students will be in the native and second language following the grade of entry, biliteracy, and Bilingual/ESL program guidelines;
Pre-literacy skills and reading will be taught in Spanish for all students who are identified as ELL and placed in the Bilingual program by following the grade of entry, Bilingual/ESL program, and biliteracy.
Native language instruction will continue as long as the ELL remains in the transitional Bilingual Program by following the grade of entry, biliteracy, and Bilingual/ESL program guidelines;
Continued support will be provided through sheltered instruction;
The program maintains strict separation of the language of instruction throughout specified content areas by following the grade of entry, biliteracy, and Bilingual/ESL program guidelines;
Daily comprehensive content area instruction in English is taught using concepts and skills drawn from content already taught that day in Spanish (without translation or repetition);
All content areas objectives are taught in the students’ native language in order to enhance the development of high levels of cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) following the grade of entry, biliteracy, and Bilingual/ESL program chart on pages.
Assessment will be administered in the primary language and second language as specified by the Language proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC).
The classroom environment is language and content rich and reflects a bilingual setting. There is evidence of English and Spanish instruction in instructional bulletin boards, center labels, wall words, students’ products, posted classroom and school rules, written communication to parents, and instructional materials.
Strong parental support and involvement is essential to reinforce children’s native language and to communicate high expectations about academic achievement.
Primary Language Instruction
In order to succeed in Texas’ schools, bilingual learners must acquire social and academic language proficiency in English. Social language proficiency consists of the language needed for daily social interactions. Academic language proficiency consists of the language needed to think critically, understand and learn new concepts, process complex academic material, and interact and communicate in school settings.
Language is among human’s highest achievements. Children from homes in which the spoken language is a language other than English are faced with great complexity in the schooling process of becoming literate. Children bring a rich array of natural language from their homes. The school must then develop each child’s primary language from the concrete to the abstract. Students must master the TEKS for all required subjects. Knowledge in one language paves the way for knowledge in the second language. Students in the LISD Transitional Bilingual Education Program will learn content in their native language and English. See grade of entry, biliteracy, and Bilingual/ESL program chart pages.
Reading in the Primary Language
- The experiences in the home language that a child brings provide a solid base for initial reading experiences compared to the minimal second language experiences acquired.
- Second language acquisition is successful when there is a strong foundation in the first language.
- Academic skills learned in Language 1 do not have to be re-learned in Language 2.
- A child who learns to read in Language 1 can later transfer reading skills to Language2 (see Biliteracy Chart).
- Language skills should be integrated in all lessons according to ELPS guidelines.
Bilingual/ESL PK-5th Instructional Programs
Dual Language Immersion/One-Way Program
Longview ISD’s Dual Language Immersion/One- Way Model for grades PK-5 specifies the language of instruction based on the students’ proficiency level and their total years of enrollment in U.S. Schools. Students are immersed in the language of the day for miscellaneous purposes and have specified language of instruction for each content area gradually working towards grade – level bilingualism and biliteracy by the end of 5th grade.
This model properly prepares students for the transition beginning in the 6th grade to all-English instruction and state assessments.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: PK through 5
Teacher Certification: Bilingual
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: To achieve grade-level bilingualism & biliteracy by the end of 5th grade
Languages: English/Spanish
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS, Sheltered Instruction, and TEKS Resource System
Materials: State adopted materials in Spanish and in English, ESL and content area materials and district purchased supplemental materials.
One-Way Dual Language Immersion Model
Longview ISD’s One-Way Dual Language Model for grades 1-5 specifies the language of instruction based on the students’ proficiency level and their total enrollment in U.S. Schools. Students are immersed in the language of the day for miscellaneous purposes and have specified language of instruction for each subject gradually working towards a 90/10 (English/Spanish)model of classroom instruction. The 90/10 model properly prepares students for the transition beginning in the 6th grade to all-English instruction and state assessments.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 1 through 5
Teacher Certification: Bilingual
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: Transition to 90/10 model of language of instruction for English/Spanish by the end of 5th grade.
Languages: English/Spanish
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS, Sheltered Instruction, and TEKS Resource System, Gomez and Gomez Model
Materials: State adopted materials in Spanish and in English, ESL and content area materials, and district purchased supplemental materials.
Instructional Strategies: SIOP, Gomez and Gomez Model
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program
The goal of the English as a second language program is to enable limited English proficient students to become competent in the comprehension, speaking, reading, and composition of the English language through the integrated use of second language methods. The ESL program emphasizes the mastery of English language skills, as well as mathematics, science and social studies, as integral parts of the academic goals for all students to enable limited English proficient students to participate equitably in school. Instruction in English as a second language shall be commensurate with the student's level of English proficiency and his or her level of academic achievement.
The English as a second language program is an integral part of the regular educational program. LISDs ESL program uses state-adopted English as a second language instructional materials and supplementary materials as curriculum tools. LISDs provides for ongoing coordination between the ESL program and the regular educational program. The English as a second language program addresses the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of limited English proficient students as mandated by the state. ESL services are provided for LEP students with a language other than Spanish or who were served in ESL programs in previous districts.
English as a Second Language Component of the Bilingual Program
English as a Second Language instruction is an integral component of a bilingual education program. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Spanish and ESL instruction using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Elementary ESL Program
A program for English language learners in grades PreK-5 not served in the bilingual program. The program is designed to use English as the language of instruction in all content areas. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: Pre-K through 5
Teacher Certification: ESL
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: English proficiency
Language: English
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Reousrce System,
Materials: State adopted materials in English in all content areas, ESL materials, and district purchased supplemental materials such as LLI Kits, BAS System.
Instructional Strategies: SIOP, Gomez and Gomez Model
Middle School Pullout ESL Program
A program for English language learners in grades 6-8. The program is designed to use English as the language of instruction in all content areas. Students’ are pulled for 45 minutes of structure ESL. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 6-8
Teacher Certification: ESL
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: English proficiency
Language: English
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Resource System
Materials: State adopted materials in English in all content areas, ESL materials, and district purchased supplemental materials.
Instructional Strategies: SIOP, Gomez and Gomez Model
Middle School Newcomer Program
The middle school newcomer is program for recent immigrants (recent-arrival) non-English speaking students’ in grades 6-8. The program is designed to teach basic communicative and academic skills needed for students to transition into a less sheltered ESL instructional settings. The program uses English as the language of instruction in all content areas. Students’ received a full day of structure sheltered instruction. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 6-8
Teacher Certification: ESL
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: English proficiency
Language: English
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Resource System
Materials: State adopted materials in English in all content areas, ESL materials, and district purchased supplemental materials such AS AC Language School Newcomer Program, RIGOR, LLI Kits, Read 180 and Classworks.
Instructional Strategies: SIOP
High School Pullout ESL Program
A program for English language learners in grades 9-12. The program is designed to use English as the language of instruction in all content areas. Students’ are pulled for 45 minutes of structure ESL. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 9-12
Teacher Certification: ESL.
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: English proficiency
Language: English
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Reousrce System
Materials: State adopted materials in English in all content areas, ESL materials, and district purchased supplemental materials AC Language School Materials, Read 180, and Classworks, RIGOR, LLI KITS
Instructional Strategies: SIOP
High School Newcomer Program
The High School Newcomer is a program for recent immigrants (recent-arrival) non-English speaking students’ in grades 9-12. The program is designed to teach basic communicative and academic skills needed for students to transition into a less sheltered ESL instructional settings. The program uses English as the language of instruction in all content areas. Students’ received a full day of structure sheltered instruction. The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 9-12
Teacher Certification: ESL
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: English proficiency
Language: English
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Resource System
Materials: State adopted materials in English in all content areas, ESL materials, and district purchased supplemental materials, Read 180, La Lucha, AC Language School Newcomer Program, RIGOR, LLI Kits, 1 to 1 Computers which include KHAN Academy, Full Version of Rosetta Stone, Bilingual Dictionary, Learn to Type program.
Instructional Strategies: SIOP
Middle School and High School English as a Second Language Program
The focus is on intensive instruction in language arts and content areas consistent with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and ESL instruction using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). Teachers use effective instructional strategies, ESL methods, sheltered instruction to develop linguistic proficiency in all four core areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Targeted Population: Limited English Proficient Students
Grades: 6th through 12th
Teacher Certification: Content area and ESL
Instructional Support Staff: Bilingual Aides (if available)
Goal: High School graduation and successful transition to college
Languages: English (Spanish if available)
Curriculum: TEKS, ELPS and TEKS Resource System
Materials: State adopted materials in English, ESL and content area resources, native language materials, and district purchased supplemental materials such as Read 180, La Lucha, AC Language School, RIGOR, LLI Kits.
Newcomer Program Instructional Strategies: SIOP
The ESL Pull-Out program will require the following:
- Appropriate and well-designed strategies and teaching materials are used as curriculum tools to enhance the learning process.
- State adopted, supplemental English as a Second Language resources are used to enhance the learning process. Native language resources and programs (e.g. LUCHA) can also be used if available.
- Well trained, highly qualified (ESL certified) teachers.
- Support from family, community, and administrators.