Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
Each school district that is required to offer bilingual education and special language programs shall establish a language proficiency assessment committee.
Each committee shall include a professional bilingual educator, a professional transitional language educator, a parent of a limited English proficiency student, and a campus administrator.
The language proficiency assessment committee shall:
- review all pertinent information on limited English proficiency students, including the home language survey, the language proficiency tests in English and the primary language, each student's achievement in content areas, and each student's emotional and social attainment;
- make recommendations concerning the most appropriate placement for the educational advancement of the limited English proficiency student after the elementary grades;
- review each limited English proficiency student's progress at the end of the school year in order to determine future appropriate placement;
- monitor the progress of students formerly classified as limited English proficiency who have transferred out of the bilingual education or special language program and, based on the information, designate the most appropriate placement for such students; and
- determine the appropriateness of a program that extends beyond the regular school year based on the needs of each limited English proficiency student.
LPAC training will take place at the beginning of each school year for all Longview ISD teachers and Administrative staff. Additional LPAC train on Making Assessment Decisions, End of year LPACs, and Exit Criteria will occur throughout the school year. All training models will be consistent from campus to campus. All training will utilize specified PowerPoint and handouts to ensure consistency.
Parent/Legal Guardian Letter and Authorization
The LPAC will give written notice to the student's parent advising that the student has been classified as limited English proficient and requesting approval to place the student in the required bilingual education or English as a second language program.
The notice includes information about the benefits of the bilingual education or English as a second language program for which the student has been recommended and that it is an integral part of the school program.
Pending parent approval of a limited English proficient student's entry into the bilingual education or English as a second language program recommended by the language proficiency assessment committee, the district will place the student in the recommended program, but may count only limited English proficient students with parental approval for bilingual education allotment.
Parent Denials
All Parents of students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) have the right to deny services. All parents must be informed of the program benefits and of the possible implications denying services may have on the student’s performance. A Parent Denial form must be signed by the parent and placed in the students LEP folder which is contained in the student permanent cumulative folder.
Students who are identified as LEP and have a parent denial are still identified as LEP. The parent is denying services from the bilingual ESL program, not denying the identification. As a requirement of the identification, the school district will continue to follow all state and federal guidelines. The student will be required to take all state and local assessments as mandated in the LPAC Manual. The student will continue to be identified as LEP until such time as the student meets state exit criteria. Bilingual/ESL staff will continue to monitor the student’s progress and will host an annual meeting as required by the LPAC manual.
The parent may accept Bilingual/ESL services and rescind the original parent denial at any time; as long as the student meets eligibility criteria, as specified in the LPAC manual. If a parent denies services, LISD staff must follow procedures regarding the recoding of the student in PEIMS.