The Latino Family Literacy Project is designed to establish family reading routines for Spanish- and English-speaking parents and their children. The Project introduces the teachers to a language acquisition method and a step-by-step literacy instruction process. It involves family reading, vocabulary development, and English-language development for Latino parents and their children.
Each of our age specific programs engages the parents in reading with their children, reflects the experiences of Latino families, and is centered around universal themes. All materials, books and curricula used are bilingual and in a simple format. This program can be used to teach English language and Spanish language skills and has multilevel English language lessons to include new vocabulary, verb conjugation, grammar and structure, conversation and practice opportunities. Each program has a built-in evaluation process to measure the success of what the parents learned in class and includes at home skill-based activities for parents and children that support the state standards for each specific age group.
Currently, Longview ISD offers Program 3 - The Elementary - Family Reading is a program for the entire family. The books are for early readers ages five to ten but also can be enjoyed by the entire family. This course provides parents with tools to establish a daily reading routine, to develop strong vocabulary with their children, and is a forum to discuss parenting concerns, school involvement and education, family goals and traditions.
Each session includes a lesson for parents about how to read with their children at home, an opportunity to make a scrapbook of important family memories, and free English lessons. Parents are allowed to borrow a different book each week to take home and read to their children. Free childcare is available and light refreshments will be served. Each class lasts for about 10 weeks.
For more information please contact Patricia Mora at 903-381-2269 or by email mcordoba@lisd.org