If you are planning to travel with the district in near future, you will find all the resources you'll need to make your trip a successful one.
For more information please contact the LISD Business Office at 903-381-2200.
The State Travel Management Program from Windows on State Government maintains up to date information on travel as it relates to government /public entities in Texas. The links below can be used to find the maximum allowable nightly rate for hotels by city and to find hotels that have state-contracted rates. Note that the contracted rate may exceed the maximum allowable nightly rate for one person per room. Longview ISD will pay actual hotel rates (plus applicable taxes, excluding Texas state sales tax) up to the maximum allowable nightly rate.
Per Diem Rates Lookup allows the user to look up a location by city and state or by zip code. The results will display the maximum allowable nightly lodging by each month of the current state fiscal year. Amounts shown are per lodger. Two people sharing a room would have twice the rate shown.
The Hotel Directory list, by city, hotels in Texas and other states that offer contracted rates for persons traveling on government/public entity business. Many hotels in Texas offer a limited number of rooms at the maximum nightly rate.
If the above direct links fail, the same information can be accessed by navigating from the State Travel Management Program site.
Use Google Maps to calculate mileage. Enter the address of your campus/department as the starting address and the end address should be the point of destination (usually the hotel on overnight travel). Add an additional destination and reenter your campus/department address to calculate round-trip mileage.
Print the directions, which will include the mileage calculation, and submit the printout with the Authorization for Travel and Reimbursement.
Following travel and submission of the completed travel authorization form, Longview ISD will reimburse (by direct deposit unless otherwise requested in writing) the actual cost of meals up to the maximum per diem rate in effect at the time of travel. The per diem rate is based on the published rates on the U.S. General Services Administrative website [https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates/per-diem-rates-lookup ]. Travel within the state of Texas will use the "Standard Rate" for the state. Travel outside the state of Texas will use the per diem rate based on the city, state or zip code of the event location for the travel. Note: There is a pro-rated amount for the first and last days of the travel. It is also based on the rate published on the U.S. General Services Administrative website.
This form must be completed, submitted, and approved prior to engaging in travel at district expense. Arrangements for travel such as registering for conferences, workshops, or events, making hotel or air reservations, and/or reserving district vehicles is the responsibility of the person(s) traveling or the designee on/within campuses/departments. (Check with your campus administrator or department head to determine who is responsible for arrangments for your campus/department.)
Authorization Form for District Travel and Reimbursement
Reimbursement rates for the use of your own vehicle while on official school business is $.625 per mile, effective September 2022.