The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB Act) reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), and is based on four principles that provide a framework through which families, educators, and communities can work together to improve teaching and learning.
These principles are:
accountability for results
local control and flexibility
expanded parental choice
effective and successful programs that reflect scientifically based research
The parental involvement provisions in Title I, Part A of the ESEA reflect these principles. Specifically, these provisions stress shared accountability between schools and parents for high student achievement, including expanded public school choice and supplemental educational services for eligible children in low-performing schools, local development of parental involvement plans with sufficient flexibility to address local needs, and building parents’ capacity for using effective practices to improve their own children’s academic achievement.
New reporting provisions added by the NCLB Act offer parents important insight into their children’s education, the professional qualifications of their teachers, and the quality of the schools they attend. The new legislation ensures that parents have the information they need to make well-informed choices for their children, more effectively share responsibility with their children’s schools, and help those schools develop effective and successful academic programs. Parents now will know their children’s academic strengths and weaknesses and how well schools are performing, and they will have other options and resources for helping their children if their schools are identified in need of improvement.
Longview ISD embraces parent involvement and understands its importance in providing a quality education to every child. A copy of our district's Title I Parent Involvement Policy is attached below.
The United States Department of Education (ED.gov) has many great tips and resources for parents, in both English and Spanish. These are available under The Partnership at the following website. http://www2.ed.gov/print/parents/academic/help/partnership-tips.html
You can influence the success of your child by becoming an active participant in your child’s school:
- Communicate: Staying informed and responding promptly to all communications from the school or school district.
- Be an example: Showing your child that education is important by reading, attending parent/teacher conferences and attending “open houses.”
- Volunteer: Volunteering at your child’s school and helping with extra-curricular activities. Participate and support parent involvement activities at school.
- Learn: How to help your child with classwork, homework, and future education plans.
- Get involved: Joining school/parent organizations, school improvement teams, and other parent committees.
- Collaborate with the community: Participating in parent activities with other families, know and use local community resources (libraries, universities, community centers, etc.) to increase skills and talents to obtain needed services for your child.