Private schools have an opportunity to apply for participation in federally funded education programs at Longview Independent School District (LISD) each year. Services through some or all of these programs may be available if eligibility requirements are met:
- Title I and Title III are available for any school with qualifying students who reside in LISD boundaries;
- Title II is for private schools within LISD boundaries.
Private schools that receive these services must comply with all requisite federal policies and procedures. Listed below are some of the federal programs and services offered:
Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs (Operated by the school district)
Title I, Part A, provides supplementary instruction by public school teachers or through a third-party contractor to students who are educationally disadvantaged, most at risk of failing to meet high academic standards, and who live in participating Title I public school attendance areas. The parents and teachers of participating students may also receive benefits from Title I, Part A, services. The Title I program is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) of 2001. Longview ISD will provide services, pending eligible funding, from various federal grants to public and private schools meeting specific criteria. Private schools do not receive direct funding from these programs. Longview ISD acts as a fiscal agent for these funds.
Title II, Part A – Preparing, Training and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals
The Teacher and Principal Training and Recruitment Fund is used to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality, and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom, and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools. Professional development activities may include the following: training in the core content areas, training in instructional strategies and behavior management, training in data analysis and leadership training.
Title III, Part A – Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
The language instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant Students program provides funds for helping LEP students attain English proficiency and meet the same challenging state academic standards required of all students.
For more information, please contact:
Loretta Thompson Martin,
Director of Grants & Federal Programs
Longview ISD Education Support Center
1301 East Young St., Longview, TX 75602
Phone: 903-381-2260 Fax: 903-236-3696