The world of work is rapidly changing as existing jobs become more complex and new jobs demand increased levels of education. Students must acquire advanced technical skills, increased academic competencies, and greater problem-solving abilities to become successful citizens and employees of the future.
The TECH PREP programs of the Longview Independent School District offer challenging courses of study which ensure the acquisition of more technically-oriented knowledge and skills. These coordinated sequences of academic and technology courses prepare students for lifelong learning including advanced study at community colleges, technical institutions, and four-year colleges and universities. Students electing to take a TECH PREP sequence of courses will have the focus and structure necessary to maximize post-secondary study and work, as well as to meet the needs of the nation's workplace. Through articulation agreements with Kilgore Junior Colleges, and Texas State Technical College of Marshall. Longview High School students in a TECH PREP program, can earn college credit while still attending LHS.
There are two kinds of Tech Prep credit: local and statewide. Local articulation is for credit to a specifically listed community college.
Statewide Articulation is a new program that provides college credit for technical courses taken in any high school to students who continue technical programs at any community colleges.
Students who successfully complete courses listed for statewide articulation at any public secondary school in Texas may present their transcripts to any public two-year associate degree-granting institution in the state that offers the corresponding college course(s).
To receive statewide articulation Tech Prep credit, the following criteria apply:
- Student must receive an "80" or better and have taken the course at Longview High School in either grade 11 or 12
- Student must successfully complete 6 hours of college credit, either after high school graduation, concurrent enrollment, and or AP/CLEP exams
- Student will enroll in a public two-year associate degree-granting institution and complete requirements for award of articulated credit within 15 months of high school graduation
Longview High School Course | Kilgore Jr College | Texas State Technical College | Statewide (This column for any Community College in Texas) |
Accounting 1 | X | - | X |
Automotive Repair | X | - | - |
Computer Aided Drafting I | X | X | - |
Computer Aided Drafting II | X | X | X |
Architectural Graphics | X | X | - |
Engineering Graphics | X | X | X |
Health Science Technology | X | - | - |
Principles of Marketing | X | - | - |
BCIS I | X | X | X |
Machine Technology I | X | - | - |
Fashion Merchandising | X | - | - |
Fashion Design | X | - | - |
Child Development | - | - | - |
Child Care and Guidance, Mgt. | X | - | - |
Keyboarding | - | X | - |
Telecommunications & Networking | - | X | - |
Welding | X | X | - |