Longview ISD board calls $359.7 million bond election

2023 Longview High School campus


The Longview ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved calling a Nov. 7th bond election for two propositions totaling about $359.7 million to fund crucial upgrades, including safety enhancements, and improved facilities during their regular meeting Monday, Aug. 14.

Registered voters residing within the Longview ISD boundaries will be asked to consider two bond propositions that would generate funding for safety and security updates, new schools and a multi-purpose facility, renovations to existing schools, updates for early childhood education, athletic improvements, and more. 

The LISD total tax rate has decreased more than 37 cents over the last 6 years resulting in the current tax rate of $1.1422. If voters approved all three bond propositions, the maximum estimated tax impact would be an increase of $0.007, less than one penny, for a new rate of $1.149. That equates to an additional $10 per year on the average Longview ISD home valued at $200,000. 

Compared to 15 other surrounding school districts, LISD has one of the lowest debt-to-assessed value ratios at 2.3 percent. Additionally, LISD received a perfect score from the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) which holds school districts accountable for their financial management.

“We have spent much time studying the needs in our district and how best to serve our students. We are excited for voters to have the opportunity to make their voices heard this November,” said Mr. Michael Tubb, Longview ISD board president.

Safety is the number one priority for Longview ISD and is the driving force behind this bond proposal.

“More than anything, we want to ensure our kids and staff are safe each day at school. In addition to that, we strive every day to provide the best possible learning environment for every student that walks through our doors. We hope that residents will take the time to learn more about the projects proposed, our tax rates, the other issues on the ballot, and ask questions before casting their vote in this election,” said Dr. Wayne Guidry, Assistant Superintendent of Finance.

In accordance with state law, the bond referendum will be split into two propositions as follows:

Proposition A: $291,894,025
     •  Additional Safety and Security at Each Campus
     •  New Early Childhood Center
     •  Longview High School Renovation
     •  New Career and Technical Education (CTE) Building
     •  Early Graduation HS Renovation
     •  Other campus improvements and solar projects
     •  New Bus Barn
     •  Life Cycle Replacements
     •  Lobo Coliseum Improvements

Proposition B: $67,821,235
     •  New Multi-Purpose Student Facility
     •  Soccer/Baseball/Tennis Renovations

If approved, all Longview ISD campuses will receive safety and security updates, and improvements or renovations will impact all students and staff. 

Any LISD resident who is registered to vote may cast a ballot in this election. Voters will be asked to vote “for” or “against” two separate propositions. The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 10. Residents can register for the first time, update their registration, or simply check to see if they are registered at GreggCountyVotes.com or VoteTexas.gov. You may also visit any LISD campus to pick up a voter registration application.

Early Voting is Oct. 24–Nov. 3 and Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7th.

LISD officials will schedule informational meetings and be out in the community to share more project information and answer questions.  Dates and details for those meetings, as well as general bond information, will be shared through the district’s regular communication channels. In the meantime, residents are encouraged to visit www.LISD.org/bond for more information.