LHS sophomore leads Lobo rodeo team


Natalie Green
is a sophomore at Longview High and, for now, the sole member of the Lobo Rodeo team.

But that could change very soon, said LHS rodeo coach John Denson.

'I have already seen interest from other students wanting to compete in the Texas High School Rodeo Association next year,' he said, crediting Green's accomplishments for spurring interest at the campus.

'Natalie has made every high school rodeo in 2016-2017 school year and competed well in Region 4 in the THSRA,' he said. 'She placed in the top ten in poles 5 times and is working hard training her barrel horse.'

The Texas FFA Rodeo will be in Corpus Christi in July, Denson said.

'High school students from across the state will be competing for scholarships during the Texas State FFA Convention,' he said.

Denson wears many hats for the district. In addition to serving as an FFA Advisor he is Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources instructor for Longview High's Career Technology Education department. Helping the burgeoning rodeo program grow is yet another role Denson said he's happy to take on.

'I went to college on a rodeo scholarship,' he said. 'I hope our team will grow and we can send some students to college.'