Longview ISD is calling for a $229 million bond election this spring to address various facility needs and campus improvements. In order to keep our community updated and informed about the latest developments, the district is providing webpage that contains information about the 2022 bond election: LISD.org/bond2022
This webpage is maintained by the LISD Community Relations department, and any local resident who has questions or concerns about the bond election is invited to email ask@lisd.org or call 903-381-2200 for more information.
LISD trustees approved the election order for four bond propositions during their Feb. 14 regular meeting. If approved by voters, the propositions will fund significant renovations to the Longview High School campus, a new Career & Technical Education facility, an Extracurricular Events Center, a new Early Childhood campus, and various other much-needed repairs and facility updates.
Residents within the LISD area are urged to make sure they are registered to vote, and cast their ballots in this election. If you are not sure whether your address is eligible to vote in Longview ISD elections, please check our district map here.
The last day to register to vote is April 7. Early voting lasts from April 25 to May 3. Election Day is May 7.
For any other questions about the election please contact Gregg County Elections Office at 903-236-8458.