Trustees OK furnishings for Montessori campus


Longview ISD Board of Trustees voted Monday to accept bid proposals on furniture and playground equipment for the new Montessori campus during their regular meeting.

The board accepted three bids totaling $188,591.85 for campus furniture, fixtures and equipment for the East Texas Montessori Prep Academy, scheduled to open in August.

Lynn Marshall, LISD assistant superintendent of business, finance and facilities, told trustees that the the volume of items needed 'dictated that the proposals be awarded to several vendors based on the best value for the district.'

Five proposals were received, with three accepted: Lone Star Furnishing ($128,909.73), Firmin's Office City ($45,765.80), Edge Office Products ($13,916.32).

The board also approved a bid of $150,615 for playground equipment from Child's Play, Inc. out of two bids. Marshall described Child's Play's bid as 'the best value for the district.'

East Texas Montessori Prep Academy, located near the corner of U.S. 259 and U.S. 80, is scheduled to open in fall 2017. The 150,000 square-foot campus that will hold upwards of 1,400 Pre-K and Kindergarten students in more than 60 classrooms.

For more information about the Montessori program please contact Dr. Jacqueline Burnett at (903) 803-5900.