State honors LISD for financial transparency


For the fifth straight year Longview ISD has received the Texas Comptroller’s highest honor for financial transparency, earning the Transparency Star Award in Debt Obligations from Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar.

'Keeping our stakeholders informed on how tax dollars are being used is one of our highest priorities,' said Joey Jones, Assistant CFO for the district. 'Having our efforts in fiscal integrity recognized at the state level is a great source of pride for us, and shows that we're continuing to serve the best interests of our community.'

The Transparency Star program, which launched last March, replaced former Comptroller Susan Combs’ Leadership Circle recognition program for financial transparency. At the time it was introduced, Combs’ program brought a new level of transparency across Texas by calling on local entities to make specific financial information available online.

Under Combs’ program, Longview ISD earned the highest possible designation for three straight years. This year is the fifth year in a row the district has been recognized by the Comptroller's office for financial transparency. In July, LISD earned the Transparency Star achievement for Traditional Finances, which unlocked eligibility to apply for recognition in four other areas including Debt Obligations.

'Five years in a row of state-recognized financial transparency sounds nice, but it's really just the way we do things,' Jones added.

For more information on the program, including guidelines and qualification criteria, visit the Comptroller’s Transparency Stars website.

The public can view Longview ISD’s financial information by clicking here.