Longview ISD to lift mask mandate Nov. 20th


In response to the ongoing decline in COVID-19 cases in our district and surrounding community, Longview Independent School District will be lifting the current mask policy, effective Nov. 20th.

After that date, students, staff, and visitors at Longview ISD are no longer to required wear face coverings at district facilities or events.

Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox said the decision was based solely on the data and facts available to the district.

'We have been monitoring cases and recoveries in Longview from the very beginning of this pandemic to today, and we will continue to do so,' he said. 'Just as we issued the mandate [in August] because of the dramatic spike in COVID-19 cases, we are removing the mandate today because the evidence shows that we have successfully beaten this back in our community.'

According to data presented during the Nov. 8th LISD Board of Trustees meeting, there are only 13 active student cases and only 5 active staff cases. That is less than 1 percent of the LISD community. In addition, 78 percent of the teachers and staff of Longview ISD are currently vaccinated.

'The feeling of the district leadership is that the preventative measures being taken by our staff, students, and families have proven extremely effective in reducing the spread of COVID-10 in the community,' said Dr. Wilcox. 'It's a huge testament to the wonderful people in this district that have helped make this possible.'

Dr. Wilcox said the administration will continue to monitor cases in the district throughout the holiday season.

'While this latest development is certainly encouraging, we will remain vigilant in making data-based decisions for the children and employees in our care,' he added.

All COVID-related protocols are subject to change as directives are provided by governing authorities and/or health officials or as circumstances evolve. We will be sure to keep you informed on our district website, social media, and through all-calls/emails.