Lobo Football Banquet set for Jan. 23


The Lobo Football Booster Club will host the annual Lobo Football Banquet 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, at Mobberly's Elevation building, located at 625 E. Loop 281 in Longview.

Tickets are on sale at the LISD Athletic Office for $10 each. Seating is limited so please get your tickets early.

Athletic Director John King said the event will recognize the 2016 Lobo Football Team that compiled an overall record of eight wins and three losses.

'In 2016 the Lobos continued a streak of sixteen straight play-off appearances and won the district championship for the twelfth time in thirteen years,' he said.

The event will be catered by Dorcheat Seafood & Grill with a menu consisting of smoked pork loin, au gratin potatoes, baked beans, mixed salad, rolls, dessert and drinks.

If you would like to voluteer to help decorate or set up please call Debbie Knutson at (903) 720-8478.

2017 Recruiting Seminar

Longview ISD will also host a 2017 NCAA recruiting seminar for Longview ISD students in grades 8-12.

The event is set for 6 p.m. on Jan. 25 at the Longview High School turf room.

Topics of discussion will include eligibility requirements, core course guidelines, ACT/SAT testing requirements, financial aid stipulations and recruiting process facts.

For more information about the football banquet or the 2017 Recruiting Seminar please call the athletic office (903) 381-3950.