Foundation names 2017 Lamplighter honorees


The Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. is proud to announce its 2017 Lamplighter Awards honorees.

Fifth, eighth, and tweflth grade students wrote essays about educators who have had a special impact on their lives, and the winners, this year's Lamplighter Awards honorees, will be honored at the banquet 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6, at Pinecrest Country Club.

Please join the Longview ISD Foundation and its sponsors for the 17th annual event, an evening that gives students an opportunity to say a very public, very sincere thank you to their special educators.

The Lamplighter honorees are:

Bramlette Elementary
Shandra Spady honored by Fatima Traore

J. L. Everhart Elementary
Amy Streetman honored by Hector Rodriguez

Hudson PEP Elementary
Constance Massey honored by Maggie Mayes

Johnston-McQueen Elementary
Shelia Faulks honored by Demontrez Simmons

South Ward Elementary
Everardo Delmas honored by Yadira Torres

Ware Elementary
Kendra Collins honored by Farah Woods

Ned E. Williams Elementary
Dionne Williams honored by Trevon Thompson

Forest Park Middle
Kamala Weaver honored by Julisa Vazquez

Foster Middle
Christi Shobert honored by Averie Shobert

Judson Middle
Sharon Fowler honored by Emily Tran

Early Graduation High
Barry Thompson honored by Salomua Tavita

Longview High
Sharon Rettig honored by Khadejah Colbert; Pam Mercer McWilliams honored by Abby Jester; and Kendra Bush Collins, former fourth grade teacher at Jodie McClure Elementary School, honored by Dianna Soto

The Longview ISD Foundation will award the fifteenth annual Cornerstone Award to Holly Forbes and Shelly and Jason Butler of Forbes and Butler Visual Communications for their support of the Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. They have helped the Foundation hold the annual 'Green Out' event and make it a success.

If you would like to attend this year's banquet, please go to Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. at and print the invitation found under News.

We hope you will join us for another great night spent celebrating great educators and great students!

Tickets for this year’s Lamplighter Awards are available from Kay Ray, Foundation director, for $25 each. Please contact her at or at (903) 452-7015.

All proceeds from this event are used to fund the Foundation’s annual Great Rewards for Great Ideas Grant Program and annual Campus Initiative Grant Program.