Dr. Samir Germanwala joins LISD board


Longview ISD Board of Trustees welcomed newly-elected Place 3 representative Dr. Samir Germanwala during Monday night's regular meeting.

Trustees canvassed the results of the Place 3 board election showing Dr. Germanwala earning 66 percent of the votes (261-134).

'I am honored to be given the opportunity to represent District 3 in the Longview Independent School District,' he said. 'It has been a humbling experience to meet the families of our district during this campaign, and I look forward to representing those families in the upcoming years.'

Samir and his wife Dr. Gana Nadiga Germanwala have two children who are current Longview ISD students, and he is a cardiologist at Longview Regional Medical Center. In addition, Samir is involved in multiple organizations throughout the community, including 'Simple Bare Necessities,' a non-profit started by his daughter to create hygiene packets for students in need. He received his medical degree from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine and has been a board-certified physician for more than 20 years.

Incumbents Mr. Michael Tubb (Place 1) and Dr. Troy Simmons (Place 7) were unopposed and will both serve another three-year term on the board.


Board members administered the oath of office to Mr. Tubb, Dr. Simmons, and Dr. Germanwala. The board did not reorganize officers for the coming term, as the current officers have only been serving since the November 2020 election. Officers for the LISD trustees will remain Board President: Mrs. Shan Bauer, Vice President: Mr. Michael Tubb, Board Secretary: Mr. Ted Beard, and Vice Secretary: Mr. Brett Miller.

The current Board of Trustees for Longview ISD is now Mr. Michael Tubb (Place 1), Mr. Brett Miller (Place 2), Dr. Samir Germanwala (Place 3), Mrs. Ginia Northcutt (Place 4), Mrs. Shan Bauer (Place 5), Mr. Ted Beard (Place 6), and Dr. Troy Simmons (Place 7).

Serving as a link between the community and classroom, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools. LISD trustees are responsible for an annual budget of more than $78 million, over 8,000 students and nearly 3,000 staffers.

For more information about the Longview ISD Board of Trustees please click here.