District honored for student nutrition program


Longview ISD was one of just 10 districts statewide recently honored by The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).

The district was awarded a 2017 Annual TASB Risk Management Fund Excellence Award for the student nutrition program.

'We recognize the importance that nutrition plays in student success, academic performance, and behavior in the classroom,' said Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox. 'The district developed a plan to try to control and mitigate poor student performance through better nutrition.'

Partnering with area farmers and ranchers, LISD has been recognized by the Texas Department of Agriculture for its commitment to providing locally raised and harvested products.

In addition to this, LISD expanded and renovated the food service facilities, made equipment upgrades, hired a full-time district chef, trained in culinary arts and nutrition, and began a weekend “backpack program” that regularly provides healthy food to community children.

'We understand that, for many underprivileged children, the most nutritious meals they might eat will be at school,' Wilcox added. 'We believe strongly in serving all the needs of our students, and by mitigating hunger, we hope to help them grow into young people able to achieve their goals in life.'