Longview ISD’s very own Ali Worsham received the Instructional Technology Specialist of the Year award! Congratulations! We here at LISD are very proud of her receiving this award!
“I didn’t really think I would win, but it was an honor to be nominated,” Worsham said. “It’s nice to be recognized for the work I’ve done for the district.”
The award was given on Tuesday, Feb. 4, during the annual Texas Computer Education Association Conference in Austin.
The ITSY award honors those who work in technology planning and curriculum integration and recognizes the significant contribution these educators made toward successful technology use in schools. Worsham earned her award for her work with her change to the PD delivery to Tech Fest. Teachers have enjoyed the new format.
With the new format, it was made possible to secure a day of training for each level- Elem, MS, and HS, where the ITS staff along with exceptional teacher tech integrators offered numerous sessions for teachers to choose their own PD interest sessions throughout the day. Breakfast was catered and then food trucks available at lunch time, as well as a prize drawing at the end of the day.
The Badging Program was also re-launched, where teachers are rewarded for using technology with students. Each badge earns an entry into monthly drawings for prizes (gold and silver level).
Teachers really enjoyed having choice in their PD learning and the opportunity to see multiple tools that were successful for current LISD teachers..
Fellow LISD ITS Emily Young nominated Worsham for the award. Worsham has been in education for ten years, five with LISD and the last two as ITS.
“I was a struggling student and I like to create opportunities for our students,” Worsham said. “I really like the resources that LISD has to offer our students.”