Longview High School meat science students excelled at a state meet in College Station, including team member Cameron Coulter, who was the highest-placing African-American student in the entire competition
The FFA Meat Judging Team placed as one of the top 40 teams at State out of the 14,600 students. Team members included Coulter, Kayla Owings, Savannah Humphrey, and Gregorio Alvarez.
Members of the Longview FFA chapter traveled to Texas A&M on April 29 to compete in the state Meat Evaluation Contest Career Development Event.
LHS Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources instructor John Denson said Career Development Events build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice.
'Approximately 14,600 students began the statewide tournament in 28 different events which reflect classroom instruction in technical, leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills,' he said.
Denson said Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA association with a membership of more than 119,000 active FFA members.
'Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources programs teach skills in leadership, career development and personal growth,' he said. 'FFA gives students the opportunity to practically apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences through local, state and national competitions.'