Academic 'signing day' April 28 at Longview High


Longview High School's College and Career Center is holding its 3rd annual Generation Texas Scholarship Signing Day on Friday, April 28.

Set to begin at 11:20 a.m. April 28 in the LHS College and Career Center, the purpose is to honor students in the same way that athletes are honored for advancing to collegiate sports, while educating all high school students on opportunities for their future.

The day coincides with 'GenTX Day,' a statewide program that focuses on helping students figure out the next step after graduation, and the only admission seniors have to pay is to bring their college admission letters — which will then be posted on the bulletin board.

Longview community partners will be supporting the event, also offering services and information pertinent to the soon-to-be college students.

College and Career adviser Kay Ray said pizza will be served to students, with coke floats provided by Super 1 Foods, and cookies courtesy of the Parent-Teacher Organization.

Students without health insurance will be able to get their meningitis shot, and there will be financial advisors from local banks sharing information about money needs at college.

Longview Police Department will have information about staying safe on campus, and Kilgore College will have a sample dorm room set up.

For more information about Longview High School's academic signing day please call (903) 663-1301.