The Longview ISD Board of Trustees approved various items at their December 11th meeting, including facility upgrades, teacher incentives, and policy updates.
Campus and HVAC improvements
The Longview Independent School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved a Savings Performance Contract with Schneider Electric, valued at $5,945,686, to address critical facility needs across the district.
Dr. Wayne Guidry, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, explained that the contracted improvements are crucial for ensuring the district's facilities are conducive to optimal learning and working environments.
"These HVAC and chiller systems are approaching the end of their lifecycle," he explained. "Due to their size and complexity, it is necessary to replace them proactively rather than waiting for a costly failure. This project will not only improve energy efficiency and comfort within our buildings, but will also address long-standing drainage issues at both Longview High School and the Lobo Den athletic facility."
Installation of new HVAC Direct Expansion (DX) units at six locations:
- Longview High School
- Johnston McQueen Elementary
- Bailey Elementary
- Playing for Keeps Early Childhood Center
- LISD Warehouse
- LISD Maintenance and Bus Barn
Replacement of chillers at three locations:
- Lobo Coliseum
- Johnston McQueen Elementary
- Longview Early Graduation High School
Dr. Guidry added that the Savings Performance Contract is designed to guarantee cost savings and energy efficiency through performance-based incentives. This innovative approach will ensure that the district receives the maximum benefit from its investment in facility upgrades.
"Longview ISD remains committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and modern learning environment for all students and staff," he said. "The implementation of this project reflects the district's dedication to ensuring the continued success of its educational programs."
The proposal from Schneider Electric was procured through the district's membership with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS), a national purchasing cooperative that offers access to competitively procured purchasing contracts to its membership. The system is housed and managed by the Region VIII Education Service Center in Pittsburg, Texas.
With a global presence in over 100 countries, the Europe-based multinational company is a leading provider in the digital transformation of energy management and automation in homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure, and industries.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
Incentive Pay for Teachers
Trustees also approved $3,210,396.84 in amendments to the district’s performance pay program, Longview Incentive for Teachers (LIFT). The district’s incentive program rewards teachers who work with low socioeconomic students in core areas such as English, science, math, and history for improving performance in the classroom.
Funds for the program are paid out of the district's general fund.
The board-approved LIFT distinction designations represent performance bonuses ranging from $500 to $3,500 per employee, depending on campus rating and subject distinction.
Amendments were necessary after the Texas Education Agency delayed releasing 2023 A-F accountability ratings beyond the original Sept. 28 date. LIFT calculations rely on these annual ratings.
Longview ISD earned 53 distinctions and an “A” rating in 2021-22. Specific distinctions are awarded for achievement in areas like academic growth, closing achievement gaps, and postsecondary readiness compared to 40 similar campuses.
Ms. Shalona McCray, LISD Chief Human Resources Officer, said that since accountability ratings are pending, the district will use 2021-22 distinctions to award this year's LIFT bonuses.
An exception was made to award Bailey Elementary the district’s postsecondary readiness distinction and corresponding employee bonuses since the school did not earn a distinction last year.
No dollar amount adjustments will be made to LIFT payouts after the Texas Education Agency releases the final 2023 A-F ratings.
Board members also approved a new pay-for-performance model designed to enhance employee benefits and incentivize performance.
The model awards campus academic distinction designations to eligible employees based on their years of experience, effectively increasing their five-year average salary used to calculate retirement pay.
Making these awards eligible for the Texas Retirement System (TRS) further maximizes their financial security in the years leading up to and following retirement.
Additionally, the board approved a separate pay-for-performance model offering campus academic distinction designation awards to staff who consistently meet attendance and assignment criteria.
These awards provide additional financial rewards for staff who demonstrate dedication and commitment to their roles. Notably, secondary school staff are eligible for up to seven distinctions, while elementary school staff can receive up to six.
Emphasizing the district's appreciation for outstanding employee performance while ensuring responsible fiscal management, this model returns any unawarded funds to the general fund.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
School bus, vehicle purchases
Board members also unanimously approved spending $539,427 to purchase two route buses, one special education bus, and two district vehicles.
The route buses cost $267,102, the special education bus cost $142,325 and the district vehicles cost $130,000.
Dr. James Hockenberry, Assistant Superintendent of District Services, said the purchases will be funded through the designated travel fund balance.
"We need to replace two route buses and one Special Education bus for daily route operations.
Additionally, two district vehicles are needed to keep up our aging fleet," he said. "This strategic investment aligns with the district's commitment to maintaining a reliable and up-to-date fleet to support the transportation needs of Longview ISD."
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
Facilities Report
Mr. Mike Gipson, LISD Maintenance Supervisor, provided a comprehensive report on the facilities at Longview High School. He highlighted the maintenance of restrooms, lighting upgrades, and recent repairs and improvements to the Aquatic Center.
"There are 13 sets of restrooms available for general student use at Longview High School," he said. "As of Monday morning, one boys' restroom was temporarily closed for repairs but expected to reopen by the afternoon."
Mr. Gipson explained that campus restrooms are only shut down in cases of major issues like sewer backups that require immediate attention, and that his team aims to keep all student restrooms fully functional, addressing minor issues quickly after being alerted through the work order system or daily morning checks by staff.
Recent facility upgrades at the high school noted by Mr. Gipson include installing over 50 new water bottle filler stations, an over $60,000 investment by the district.
"The Aquatic Center also just underwent storm repairs totaling around $40,000 for new switchgear, roofing, and boiler equipment," he said. "Looking ahead, the maintenance team is now focused on pricing LED lighting upgrades for high school restrooms as well as potential replacement of stall partitions and shower tile at the Aquatic Center."
Mr. Gipson said that prompt communication is vital to his maintenance staff making repairs in a timely manner.
"We strive to keep all restrooms functional, and to ensure that we are aware of any issues, I have directed staff to check each of these restrooms each morning," he said. "But we welcome communication from campus staff. If you see something, say something."
Superintendent's Report
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. James Wilcox recognized two LHS seniors, Shreemayi Undavalli and Lonoehu Wacasey, for being named commended students in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. Dominic Pistone and Aman Saridena were honored for being named semifinalists for the 2024 National Merit scholarships. Lailah Johnson, Fatoumata Traore, Gabriel Duncalfe, Taylen Johnson and Kora Ottun were recognized by the National African-American Recognition Program. Paula Colon, Alexas Sosa-Nunez, Diego D’Arbell and Yosuani Romero were honored by the National Hispanic Recognition Program. Wacasey was also recognized by the National Indigenous Recognition Program. Congratulations to these amazing students and their families!
Additionally, the Superintendent's Report included the monthly District Services summary; a Charter Partner update; an Office of Innovation update; the RAPTOR safety data report; and the latest campus data monitoring analysis.
Dr. Wilcox also provided information on staffing interest survey results for a potential future school marshal program; the Literacy Framework rollout; Dual Language program timelines; and 2023 Summer Academy results.
District Donations
Board members unanimously approved the following donations:
- $10,000 from the Lobo Football Booster Club to purchase supplies and equipment for student activities and programs;
- $8,000 from Callahan Marine Consultants to purchase supplies and equipment for LHS Welding to fund student activities and programs;
- $2,023 from the LHS Lady Lobo Soccer Booster Club to cover costs associated with tournament travel; and
- $1,000 from the Charities Aid Foundation of America to purchase supplies and equipment for the LHS Viewettes.
In other business...
During the course of the meeting, the LISD Board of Trustees also:
- APPROVED a board subcommittee resolution stating that Longview ISD does not permit district campuses to employ or accept chaplains as volunteers to provide support, services, and programs for students at this time. (Senate Bill 763, passed by the 88th Texas Legislature, requires each school board to take a record vote between September 1, 2023, and March 1, 2024, on whether to adopt a policy authorizing a campus of the district to employ or accept as a volunteer a chaplain under Education Code Chapter 23.)
- APPROVED Board Policy Update 122 which includes technology resources, facilities, employment practices, curriculum design, special and compensatory programs, attendance, health services, crisis intervention, and student records;
- APPROVED forming a bond election sub-committee. The subcommittee will be open to any board members who wish to attend. All bond subcommittee agendas will be publically posted in the event of a possible quorum;
- APPROVED resolution amending authorized representatives for Lone Star, TexPool, and Texas Range Public Funds investment pools;
- APPROVED the Minutes and Time Use Tracker for the Nov. 13, 2023 regular meeting and Nov. 16, 2023 special-called meeting;
- APPROVED amendments to Longview ISD board policies AE (LOCAL) and DK (LOCAL);
- APPROVED enlarging the existing parking lot of Gregg Appraisal District;
- ACCEPTED the financial statements as of November 2023; and
- APPROVED Budget Amendment No. 4.
For more info
Trustees usually meet in the boardroom of the LISD Education Support Center (1301 E. Young Street), but often set special-called meetings at various locations around the district. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Jan. 8, 2024.
For more information about the Longview ISD Board of Trustees please click here.