The Longview ISD Board of Trustees received updates on facility upgrades across the district, state financial ratings, and progress on repairs to the admin building, during their regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 9, 2024.
Bond Project Updates
Trustees unanimously approved relocating the Lady Lobos softball field to the corner of Airline Road and Hawkins Parkway. The move clears space for the district’s planned multipurpose center while providing an opportunity to upgrade the softball facility with improved lighting and expanded parking.
“This decision not only supports our athletes but also helps us maximize the potential of our new facilities,” said Superintendent Dr. Marla Sheppard.
The relocation, funded by district savings, paves the way for the multipurpose center to include a dedicated wing for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. These programs will align with extracurricular activities such as culinary arts, finance, sports medicine, and multimedia. Additionally, the facility will feature a new event venue and the Lobo Store, offering students hands-on experience in business, hospitality, and event management.
Trustees also reviewed updates on 2024 Bond Project plans.
Mr. Paul Miller, PROCEDEO Program Director, highlighted the timeline for major new facilities, including the Transportation Center expansion, expected to finish by mid-2026. The Early Childhood Learning Center, multipurpose center, and natatorium are on track to open by 2027.
“These projects are designed to elevate student opportunities and enhance our district’s resources,” Miller said.
Planned features include:
- The Early Childhood Learning Center, with 30 classrooms, a library, kitchen, and gym, to expand pre-kindergarten access.
- The multipurpose indoor facility, offering a 120-yard turf field, batting cages, a weight room, and spaces for band and sports programs.
- The natatorium, with 25-meter lanes, a diving well, and increased seating, replacing the current aquatic center.
Renovations and Savings
E4 Contracting owner-operator Mr. John Erickson IV updated trustees on district-wide renovations, including upgraded sports lighting for soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and tennis courts. Baseball field upgrades began this month and will wrap up by early 2025, with other projects, including fencing, scheduled to finish by mid-2025.
“We’ve saved $4 million to date through careful management of bond funds,” Erickson said. “While security remains our top priority, we’re also addressing key updates to the Lobo Coliseum following basketball season.”
With the softball field relocation and bond-funded construction moving forward, Longview ISD is building a stronger foundation for students and the community.
Superior Rating for FIRST State Report
Longview ISD has once again achieved a Superior rating on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report for the 2023-24 school year, earning the maximum score in all 21 evaluation categories. This marks another milestone in the district’s longstanding tradition of excellence in financial management.
“Since the program’s creation, Longview ISD has received a Superior rating nearly every year,” said Dr. Wayne Guidry, Chief Financial Officer. “This consistent performance reflects our commitment to financial transparency and our focus on maximizing resources for the benefit of our students and staff.”
The FIRST program, established by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), evaluates school districts across multiple metrics, including budget planning, debt management, and overall fiscal responsibility. The system is designed to ensure accountability and encourage best practices in financial stewardship among Texas public schools.
“Achieving a Superior rating is more than just a score—it’s a reflection of our district’s dedication to sound financial management and strategic resource allocation,” added Dr. Guidry. “Our community can rest assured that every dollar is being used responsibly to support student achievement and operational efficiency.”
Update on ESC Fire
Board members were later updated on ongoing recovery efforts at the Education Support Center (ESC), which suffered significant damage from a fire the week before Thanksgiving.
Mr. Samuel Kington, Chief of Facilities and Operations, who joined the district just last month, outlined the current progress and next steps in addressing the damage.
“The mitigation process at the ESC is about 70-80 percent complete,” Kington explained. “Once that phase is finished, we’ll begin restoring the affected wings of the building. Our goal is to complete this work as efficiently as possible while keeping disruptions to a minimum.”
To ensure continuity of operations, Mr. Kington has arranged for ESC staff to temporarily relocate to offices at 812 and 814 South Eastman Road. He emphasized that efforts are underway to make the transition smooth for both employees and the community.
Dr. Sheppard commended Mr. Kington for his leadership in managing the dual challenges of recovery and relocation.
District Donations
Board members unanimously approved the following donations:
- $2,737 from Barbara Reynolds for Foster MS Boys athletic equipment and uniforms;
- $1,330 from Lobo Swim Booster for Travel Accommodations;
- $500 from Sierra Frac Sand for LHS Welding Sponsor;
- $500 from SNOD Bailem for JDC/DADE Community Outreach Project;
- $250 from Aaron DL Partners for LHS Welding Club Activities.
In Other Business
During the course of the meeting, the LISD Board of Trustees also:
- APPROVED a purchase exceeding $50,000 for the renewal of Amplify mClass Universal Screener Program for five ETAA campuses for the 2024-25 school year;
- APPROVED Dr. Derrick Estes, Ms. Carol Pruitt, and Ms. Portia Hood to be the T-TESS Appraisers for 2024-25;
- APPROVED resolution designating non-business days for the purpose of the Texas Public Information Act;
- APPROVED the Minutes and Time Use Tracker for the Nov. 11 Regular Meeting;
- APPROVED Budget Amendment No. 4.
For More Info
Trustees usually meet in the boardroom of the LISD Education Support Center (1301 E. Young Street), but sometimes set special-called meetings at various locations around the district. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Jan. 13, 2025.
For more information about the Longview ISD Board of Trustees, please click here.