International Baccalaureate 'Robing Ceremony' honors excellence

IB robing ceremony

By Linda Buie
TCIS Executive Director

Longview High School celebrated the robing and impending graduation of 50 students from the International Baccalaureate program. Longview ISD is one of a few Texas high schools that offers the state-funded IB program, and the only one that offers it from elementary through high school years. 

Also known as IB World School, the program has been at Longview High School since December 2009. The worldwide IB program is often referred to as a school within a school, as it is taken as a whole curriculum of six core classes.

IB offers students a chance to earn college credit hours almost like Advanced Placement classes. However, unlike AP classes, where a student can pick and choose which course he or she takes, the IB program is only taken as a whole.

At the end of each year, Longview High School's International Baccalaureate graduates are honored with a Robing Ceremony hosted at the Summit Club. The parents are invited, and a nice lunch is served. 

This ceremony is the culmination of two years of hard work, service learning, and a 4,000-word extended essay. Each student writes a reflection beforehand, and the reflections are published in a book for the students and parents to have as a keepsake. 

Students select one of their teachers to present them the IB hood during the ceremony. The students kneel, and the teacher places the hood on the student.  As the students are presented their hoods, I read a short excerpt from their reflections. 

I thought you might enjoy reading some of the reflections:


Each day in the IB program I am growing more self-aware of my work ethic and ability to time manage, at least I hope so. But most of all, I am appreciative of all my teachers, each and every one of them instilling within me a passion for learning and a lifelong lesson that I won’t soon forget.


Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without the IB program to prepare me for college and life after high school. Sure, there were a few sleepless nights and stressful weekends, especially lately with all the IAs – sorry Mr. Bock I know we’ve had since August- but I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else. It’s surreal to have actually reached the end of my senior year, and to be honest it is a little scary not knowing what my future holds. Thanks to IB, though, and its stellar teachers, students, and program, I know I’ll be able to thrive in whatever I do. I’m so proud of every single one of my fellow classmates and I can’t wait to see what your futures have in store. Thank you.


IB was such a wonderful experience for me. I was able to learn much more about different cultures and experiences. The teachers have provided with the necessary skills to be successful in my higher education journey. I am very thankful for these teachers and the staff that has helped me through my journey in IB. I have met many that I would have never thought I would ever meet. The people have become my lifelong friends and I plan on keeping them in my life. These students have the drive and the determination to stay on top of their assignments. This dedication and drive has rubbed off on me and I plan on using this skill throughout my life and college career.


IB has been an enriching experience that has taught me how to better communicate with others, think critically, and to explore subjects that are of interest to me. Thank you to all of the teachers for preparing us for our IB exams; without the IB teachers and their dedication to teaching IB would not have been as fulfilling of an experience.


Now, while looking back, the IB program has been an incredible experience. Although its difficulty and requirements have pushed the limits of my work ethic, the IB program has helped me become more confident in my academic abilities, and I will always cherish the knowledge that I have obtained throughout these past two years.