'Project Lead The Way' seeks local partners

2023 Project Lead The Way class

ATTN: Local Engineers, Tech, and Design professionals! 

Longview High School's "Project Lead The Way" (PLTW) sponsor, Mrs. Melissa Swallow, is seeking local businesses to help fund a small scholarship for her PLTW Engineering Design & Development Class.

The scholarship will be awarded to the winner of their final product presentations, scheduled for May 15th.

Mrs. Swallow is asking for any monetary donations from businesses in engineering, STEM fields, and business-related industries to help create this scholarship. The PLTW program is a nonprofit organization that provides hands-on learning experiences in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science for K-12 students.

PLTW works with schools and businesses to prepare students for success in college and careers by equipping them with real-world problem-solving skills and critical thinking. The program offers a variety of courses and programs, including computer science, engineering, and biomedical science pathways, as well as a comprehensive elementary school program.

The Longview PLTW program allows our students to explore their interests, discover new passions, and develop the skills they need to succeed in whatever career path they choose. This scholarship opportunity will help incentivize students to achieve their best and further their education.

If you know of any businesses willing to donate funds to create this scholarship, please comment below or email LISD Community Relations at ask@lisd.org 

Your support will help make a difference in the lives of our students and their future success!