The Longview ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved the 2024-25 District Calendar, selected a superintendent search firm, called a bond election, and various other agenda items during their regular meeting on Monday, Feb. 12.
Classes will begin Aug. 12, 2024, and end May 23, 2025. Commencement ceremonies are tentatively set for May 16, 2025.
Dr. James Hockenberry, Assistant Superintendent of District Services said that, although this calendar is now in place, should the need arise, "the administration will consider all the various factors and possibly make amendments or modifications at a later date."
"But, for the foreseeable future, this is the district calendar we'll work from for the 2024-25 school year," he added.
Important dates for next school year include:
- Aug. 12 – First day for students
- Sept. 2 – Labor Day (observed)
- Nov. 25-29 – Thanksgiving Break
- Dec. 23-Jan. 3 – Winter Break
- Jan. 20 – Dr. Martin Luther King Day (observed)
- March 10-14 – Spring Break
- April 18 – Good Friday (observed)
- May 23 – Final day of school
- May 26 – Memorial Day (observed)
- May 27-28 – Bad weather makeup days (if needed)
STAAR testing dates include the weeks of Dec. 3-13, April 8-30, and May 1-2 with STAAR makeup dates on June 17-27.
For the complete 2024-25 Academic Calendar, please click here.
Search firm set for new Superintendent
Later, board members received presentations from Arrow Educational Services, JG Consulting, and Leasor-Crass Firm before unanimously approving the hiring of Georgetown-based JG Consulting for $20,000.
The amount will be a flat fee, with JG Consulting covering any and all expenses related to the search and contracting process.
"We are very pleased to have selected JG Consulting after thoroughly reviewing proposals from multiple highly qualified firms," said Board President Mr. Michael Tubb. "They have significant experience with superintendent searches around the state, and we are confident they will help us select the next leader to carry this district into the future."
Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox announced last September that he would retire as superintendent in December 2025.
During the Jan. 9 regular meeting, trustees discussed the superintendent transition process during closed session, including authorization to seek proposals from search firms, as well as assignments, duties, and responsibilities of administrative personnel. The board approved a request for proposals from firms to be considered upon returning to open session.
Please click here to download the resolution and related documentation.
Board calls bond election
Trustees approved calling a May 4 bond election for five propositions totaling $456.2 million to fund district projects that will address aging buildings, Career and Technical Education, safety and security, a new bus barn, an early childhood center, stadium renovations, and a natatorium.
It has been 16 years since the last major investment in Longview ISD. In May 2008, Longview residents approved a bond to construct new elementary and middle school campuses. Since then, no major renovations have been made to the facilities included in the 2024 bond proposal.
Texas school districts do not receive state funding for renovating or building new schools. Instead, they must receive funds through school bond elections. Registered voters residing within the Longview ISD boundaries will be asked to consider five bond propositions that would generate funding for safety and security updates, renovations and updates to existing facilities, a multi-purpose facility, and athletic facility renovations.
Early Voting is April 22-30 and Election Day is Saturday, May 4.
For the full press release and detailed information about the propositions please click here.
Superintendent's Report
During the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Wilcox honored the Top 6 finalists in Elementary UIL Academics from ETAA campuses, as well as a presentation from LHS alumna Alex Mack and her mother Mrs. Lisha Mack about a book they published entitled "My Peoples," an abstract art and narrative collaboration. Alex, currently attending college at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, has been creating her “My Peoples” art since age 2.
Additionally, the Superintendent's Report included the monthly District Services summary; updates to the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) administrative guidelines, the RAPTOR safety data report with the latest visitor management system statistics; the most recent campus data monitoring analysis, which tracks key performance indicators including student attendance, discipline, and academic growth; as well as departmental reports from LISD's public school charter partners and the LISD Office of Innovation update.
Later, Dr. Wilcox shared a report showing teacher turnover rates for districts in the immediate Longview area. The report showed that Longview's rate of 19 percent is below the state average of 21.4 percent, and second only to Hallsville ISD by .7 of a percentage point (18.3 percent).
"This stands in stark contrast to the inaccurate misperception that Longview ISD's attrition rate is supposedly the highest in the area," said Dr. Wilcox. "Quite the contrary: it's actually one of the lowest."
Rounding out the list of districts with turnover higher than Longview ISD in Dr. Wilcox's presentation are Pine Tree ISD (19.4 percent), Spring Hill ISD (20.1 percent), Lufkin ISD (22.2 percent), Jacksonville ISD (22.6 percent), Tyler ISD (26.1 percent), Nacogdoches ISD (27.8 percent), and Marshall ISD (32.5 percent).
Dr. Wilcox also provided updates on TEA A-Rated School Districts in Texas, and current district facilities projects focused on improving or replacing aging district facilities as needed.
District Donations
Board members unanimously approved the following donations:
- $23,000 from Christus Health to LHS Sports Medicine to fund an electric cart to be used for equipment and supplies;
- $200 from Stephen F. and Romnie L. Scott for supplies and equipment at the Bailey Elementary Library;
- $182 from Luis Castanon of Castanon Enterprises to provide t-shirts for the Bailey Elementary Soccer Club;
- $116 from Texas Bank & Trust's Fandemonium to supplement the LISD Backpack Program;
- $100 from Susan Mohon to the LHS Choir to support their trip to perform in Normandy, France;
- $100 from the LHS Cosmetology department to the program for supplies and equipment;
- $45 from Southside Bank to supplement the LISD Backpack Program;
- $30 from Ronald Hawkins to provide supplies and essentials for the Bailey Elementary Basketball Club; and
- $20 from RTI of Longview for LHS Technology Student Association to help promote Project Lead The Way.
In other business...
During the course of the meeting, the LISD Board of Trustees also:
- APPROVED the 2024-29 District of Innovation renewal plan. The current LISD Innovation Plan, adopted in March 2017, is slated to expire at the end of the 2023-24 school year. House Bill 1842, passed during the 84th Legislative Session, permits Texas public school districts to become Districts of Innovation (DOI) and to obtain exemption from certain provisions of the Texas Education Code (TEC);
- APPROVED the Minutes and Time Use Tracker for the Jan. 9 regular meeting, the Jan. 24 special meeting, and the Feb. 3 board training meeting;
- APPROVED Board of Trustee Election Order for Districts 1, 3, and 7, with a joint election order with the City of Longview;
- ACCEPTED the financial statements as of January 2024; and
- APPROVED the 2024-25 First Quarter Investment Report.
For more info
Trustees usually meet in the boardroom of the LISD Education Support Center (1301 E. Young Street), but often set special-called meetings at various locations around the district. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. March 18, 2024.
For more information about the Longview ISD Board of Trustees please click here.